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hard dependencies for systemd units #44

Closed artfwo closed 5 years ago

artfwo commented 6 years ago

systemd units should have explicit (Requires) dependencies as illustrated below: should explicitly require all of the above.

simonvanderveldt commented 6 years ago

Shouldn't norns-crone have a dependency on norns-jack that ensures norns-crone only runs when norns-jack is running? And the same for norns-maiden vs norns-matron?

artfwo commented 6 years ago

Sure, I kind of tried to reflect that in the nested structure of the list above. Inner items depend on parent items.

artfwo commented 6 years ago

Also, maiden doesn't require either crone or matron to run, so it can be started independently after

simonvanderveldt commented 6 years ago

Sure, I kind of tried to reflect that in the nested structure of the list above. Inner items depend on parent items.

Sorry, my reply wasn't very clear/explit. AFAIK Requires doesn't handle the case where the required unit fails.


Note that this dependency type does not imply that the other unit always has to be in active state when this unit is running

In our case I think we have a couple of services that can no longer function when their dependency dies.

artfwo commented 6 years ago

That would be awesome, but I cannot setup reliable monitoring for jackd at the moment (and its tools such as jack_wait also have false negatives), so I'd like to at least make sure it triggers a restart of crone when restarted.

simonvanderveldt commented 5 years ago

@artfwo I think this is all done at the moment, right?

artfwo commented 5 years ago

@simonvanderveldt yes, looks like it!