monome / norns

norns is many sound instruments.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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FR: add a "favorite" mechanism to the SELECT menu #1200

Closed dndrks closed 3 years ago

dndrks commented 3 years ago

a recent support ticket surfaced a nice feature request for on-norns management of which scripts the SELECT menu presents to the user.

current behavior: all scripts, regardless of direct need (eg. I want to use a script which requires the Molly engine from the Molly project but I won't be using the Molly script), surface in the SELECT menu.

desired behavior: user wants to manage, from the norns hardware alone, which scripts the SELECT menu presents.

I put in some thought on this today and realized that currently, holding key 1 in the SELECT menu doesn't execute anything (whereas a press toggles back to the currently running script). so, maybe we can endow a key 1 hold in SELECT with special powers?

proposed behavior:

proposed behavior (thank you @pq + @tyleretters for refinement!)

pq commented 3 years ago

yay! some script management would be awesome. for conversation, i wonder about an inverse affordance... a while ago we briefly discussed "favorites" ( but maybe this is even better?

dndrks commented 3 years ago

oh! @pq , i really like framing this as a positive endowment, rather than a negative.

ok, so what if:

pq commented 3 years ago

i'd be curious how other folks respond but sounds great to me. thanks for exploring @dndrks!

tyleretters commented 3 years ago

i love the favorite, *, and all entries concept.

i have questions around the k1+k3 gesture. it will be a new gesture, no? i wonder if there is another gesture that is already established would work. e3 comes to mind, like in the parameters menu. spin e3 clockwise to toggle *, spin counter to toggle off?

dndrks commented 3 years ago

oh, duh, yeah, e3 would be primo. cool, re-scoping!

tyleretters commented 3 years ago

also perhaps favorites don't have an asterisk on the "upper favorite zone"? it'll just be a column of asterisks which won't be helpful:

ASH             *
AWAKE           * 

and one more thing - maybe you can only toggle favorites on and off from the "lower all zone" because otherwise, toggling it off in the "upper favorite zone" it will cause an unpleasant jump when the script disappears?

tehn commented 3 years ago

love this UI proposition!

zzsnzmn commented 3 years ago

heya, i ended up taking an initial stab at this. i figure instead of putting the * at the end (since there are scripts with longer names) it'd be easiest to put it at the front. ~right now i'm just trying to think of the best way to track the "favorites" at the top.~

zzsnzmn commented 3 years ago

favorites will now show up at the top of the menu upon reloading the select screen ❤️

dndrks commented 3 years ago

added in #1207 !!

tyleretters commented 3 years ago

how can i try this out!??!

tehn commented 3 years ago

@tyleretters it's in the main branch, so you can ssh in, cd norns, git pull, ./waf

tyleretters commented 3 years ago

this is absolutely beautiful. amazing work @zzsnzmn