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varispeed buffer read+write #147

Closed catfact closed 6 years ago

catfact commented 6 years ago

the primary purpose of SoftCutHead is to facilicate smooth and accurate crossfading, and for this purpose it is fine as is (IMO)

however, its varispeed qualities present some difficult problems given that read and write positions are locked to the same phasor. interpolated reads are fine, but interpolated writes are more challenging.

latest commit (a710b33efd5b552a0294bd479f275c1641deb349) demonstrates my current thought about the best way to approach the problem - it's "physically" direct, but has some unintuitive consequences.

describing the problem

current approach and behaviors

possible other approaches

ranch-verdin commented 6 years ago

Maybe we can harness ancient powers of the Secret Rabbit Code (aka libsamplerate) -

I would advise backing up from softcut & solving a more manageable problem - in-memory varispeed 'tape loop sim' using block processing & libsamplerate. Behaviour is either write or read. With that building block in place we can modify the read/write/erase head object for variable erase ratio (aka sound-on-sound) . The erase percentage would be another input buffer.

My current thinking is that two of these read/write/erase heads can be composed to build a soft-cut engine. In order to compose the two heads, you must compute two erase-ratio blocks and two write-signal blocks in soft-cut object, then mix the two read-signal blocks to get your output. Will that strategy work or is this a leaky abstraction?

catfact commented 6 years ago

no, i think its a good point - a single head with interpolated write/erase is a useful abstraction in itself (so, add interpolation to the BufWrPre ugen - maybe using SRC indeed)

SoftCutHeadLogic is more or less as you describe, but isn't really structured in the cleanest way w/r/t phase update step - i think for it to work, the write head should maintain its own phase.

the one hole i see in the abstraction is one of the things that prompted me to make this a monolithic UGen in the first place - with crossfading and SOS, to avoice clicks the erase/write logic actually has to know about the xfade position, and the way to properly use it depends on the intended application. here's what i said about that in the other issue (dunno how clear it is!)

tricky edge cases, relating to behavior of write head during crossfade:

similarly, it may or may not be valuable to scale the overdub level ("pre") by the inverse of the fade.

i don't think there is a general solution for this issues in every use case. so i've simply added recFade and preFade parameters, which control how much the record level is scaled by the fade, and prelevel scaled by inverse of fade. if you want to scrub around while recording without glitches, they should (i think) both be turned up. if you want to continously record/overdub and play a seamless loop, recFade should be all the way down, and preFade is sort of optional (effect.)

catfact commented 6 years ago

ohho, something possibly relevant:

(this is what raja ripped for karma~ - which itself is a complete unportable monstrosity)

ed - well this doesn't actually solve much - as far as i can tell it does linear interpolation when >1 sample indices are covered in a single write update. which is pretty simple

catfact commented 6 years ago

yeah, thinking about SRC

the "full API" is the one that gives you resampling on streams (and has an option for smoothly interpolating the SR ratio)

problem is: this solves the problem generally in i think the only really possible way: pushing N input samples results in an arbitrary number of output samples, depending on the current SR ratio and the last state of the streams / resampler.

this is what i mean by i think the write head requiring its own phasor / ringbuffer. it's clear enough how to make a varispeed write-head that should minimize artifacts when the material is played back at a different rate.

it's a little less clear how to marry this to @tehn's request for a varispeed read/write head. maybe it will work fine:

maybe enforce at least a 1-sample delay between read and write positions (right now there is an arbitrary offset parameter)

ranch-verdin commented 6 years ago

Think there's a way round the 'tricky edge case' - namely square-root xfade envelope for both read & write.

So first off, I believe the looping feature needs to be always implemented via X-fading. With aleph lines, that looping feature works just like a regular circular buffer - the instantaneous jump of looping point leads to discontinuity on the 'tape'.

If you implement looping using X-fades with square-root xfade envelope for both write & read, then the product of these two envelopes will be a linear xfade & the output will be identical to circular buffer (see diagram) . But now if you move the loop point there are no first order discontinuities written to tape - problem solved!


ranch-verdin commented 6 years ago

another aspect of softcut/lines where I had a sudden revelation about the design, namely:

How to handle a crossfade 'request' received during crossfade.

the state machine described above should have the following properties:

I claim this is optimal!

catfact commented 6 years ago

i agree!

the diagram is exactly how SoftCut works (with a raised-cosine xfade curve) - it alternates between two targets, the "next" one starts fading in exactly at the loop point, the "current" one starts fading out exactly at the loop point, and you can't inititate a "cut" to a new position in the middle of a fade. (we could make a "polyphonic" version that would allow it! but that would be nuts.)

its totally fine, the loop length remains accurate even when very short, and the perceived loudness is constant throughout the xfade.

the "edge cases" is solely about how/whether to apply the crossfade to the write level and even more so to the erase level. i'm sorry i'm having a hard time articulating all the scenarios where this matters. but it can get weird when you move the loop points, and what used to be the "tail" becomes the "middle."

in general, i agree - a sensible default is to apply xfade to both write level and read level.

the problem is with the erase head. you have to do some kind of crossfade of the erase level as well, to avoid glitches when you move the loop points and start hearing partially-erased material from the old tail. this interacts in kind of weird ways with the record-fade.

default that works ok is to apply the inverse of the xfade to the pre-level (so that when completely faded-in, the pre-level is wherever you set it, and there is no erasure when completely faded out.) but in a continuous loop, this erase-fade applied on top of the record-fade makes a dip in perceived amplitude around the loop point (i think) - in that case, i think you want no xfade of the write level and fully inverted xfade of the erase level... i think...

but try it out! the current parameters allow different combinations of crossfade application, and they have different effects on the character of the crossfade, especially when recording and partially erasing in a continuous loop, or when changing loop points. (i was surprised.) the crossfades can also be arbitrarily long in this implementation, so you can really hear it.

happily, the xfade stuff seems pretty orthogonal to the varispeed issues. i think the xfade is pretty much solved, and i think you're right that the varispeed issue should be tackled independently.

to that end, i made a new ugen called VariHead - it is dumb and doesn't crossfade at all. it is only a write head with an internal phasor (and it can output the "logical phase" so could be used as a building block in more complex synthdef.) initially i won't implement any partial-erase mechanism and just try to get the resampling aspect clean.

catfact commented 6 years ago

ok, VariHead is now a finished proof of concept, it seems to work as expected... i've learned some things about libsamplerate:

so, it's kind of a bummer but i think linear interp is pretty much the only feasible way to use SRC in a realtime context. it means artifacts from very low input/output SR ratios are noticeable, but nothing terrible to my ears.

there's other libraries, like zita-resampler, which claimes to be faster and well-suited for realtime work. but the described algorithm is some kind of polyphase FIR resampler, which seems like it would also have pretty rough latency problems.

what i've got working so far is block-processing. it will get complicated to incorporate this with sample-accurate loop crossfades and triggers. so should try going back to the sort of ridiculous method of pushing a single input frame on each call to src_process - comparing performance - now that the basic POC seems legit.

update: for some reason calling scr_process every sample introduces clicks. this is so annoying. i feel like the linear interpolation is simple enough to just implement it directly...

catfact commented 6 years ago

btw @ranch-verdin i finally grokked your second comment about queuing up multiple crossfade targets (i think!) and that seems like a great idea.

ranch-verdin commented 6 years ago

bummer about SRC - sorry to lead you down a dead-end! Maybe I could quickly jump in & contribute by writing a small cubic resampling library with similar API...

I think the block abstraction to resampling lib remains useful, even if you're writing in frame-by-frame paradigm. Because obviously if rec/play head runs faster than 1x you still need to handle a small block per-frame...

I handle this messily in varilines (i.e no explicit block-resampling abstraction):

catfact commented 6 years ago

update; i've refactored SoftCutHead with a Resampler class for write, currently just performs linear resampling but doesn't require SRC or any other external lib

this is in softcut-resample branch. unfortunately it totally crashes on ARM for reasons unknown.

folded this into issue #407 as a task. so closing this one. (great discussion though!)