monome / norns

norns is many sound instruments.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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supernova not found #503

Closed TheTechnobear closed 5 years ago

TheTechnobear commented 5 years ago

updated to master, now getting sc3> /bin/sh: 1: exec: supernova: not found

when running sclang

I assume this is to do with now using supernova.

Ive 'upgraded' from but issue persists.

has the new sc build (with supernova) not been packaged, and uploaded to catfact?

if not, then I will build supercollider* myself (no issue there :) )

if we now expect SC to be build from source, then we need to update

p.s. also one of the supernova PR's indicates submodules are used , so git submodule update --init is required, but this appears not to be the case... correct?

artfwo commented 5 years ago

Hi Mark,

Please use the following URL to get new sc3 packages. We should update the docs to reflect that, but feel free to open a PR on that as well. Hope this helps!

TheTechnobear commented 5 years ago

you also need to add supernova to the the install list e.g sudo apt-get install supercollider-supernova*

artfwo commented 5 years ago

Thanks, added that to the instructions too!

okyeron commented 5 years ago

For reference - which instructions should I be tracking here?


EDIT: errors using

Err:5 debian/ Release                               
  404  Not Found

E: The repository ' debian/ Release' does not have a Release file.
N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default.
tehn commented 5 years ago

from norns-image:

# monome package apt
sudo cp config/norns.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/