monome / norns

norns is many sound instruments.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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sclang REPL #60

Closed tehn closed 6 years ago

tehn commented 6 years ago

building new engines could be further facilitated by the ability to recompile the sc library on the fly, perhaps by issuing a command from lua. of course there's no need in normal use for a script to recompile the library, it'd be used only on the lua REPL.

of course an alternate approach would simply have a separate REPL to sclang which may be more universal and useful in the end?

unless there is some more generalized ideas that would make issuing arbitrary commands to sclang from lua, but at this point that seems overly complex, perhaps.

tehn commented 6 years ago

thinking this over more-- we don't need lua to talk to sclang. (we do need arbitrary OSC to/from lua, but that's a separate issue)

sclang needs its own REPL. this should be easy to do (with the editor), as it's mostly already done (the ipcwrapper, i mean)

tehn commented 6 years ago
