monovertex / ygorganizer

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Card quality and edition #14

Open monovertex opened 9 years ago

monovertex commented 9 years ago

First of all, where should we implement these? Currently the CardVersion model is identified by the (set_number, rarity) pair, and the most logical solution would be to add quality and edition to these.

However, this complicates things a lot. First of all, YuGiOh Prices does not offer price information based on these factors and I'm not sure if other price sources do. Importing would also be complicated by this.

Then, we have to consider how to manage these factors in the interface. Currently every Card Version is displayed in the list, so you can find duplicate set numbers, with different rarities. Having two more factors means a lot of combinations, which is not good.

So how would a user specify how many of that edition or that quality they have? The current + / - system is only appropriate if we display all the combinations, which I'd rather not do. And we still have to keep it simple.

mkaatman commented 9 years ago

I'm starting to wonder if it makes more sense to only have one row per set number and dropdowns in that row for quality and maybe edition? Or maybe you can click the row and it expands with all the combinations and you can use +/- on your specific combination. Click the row again to collapse.

monovertex commented 9 years ago

Dropdowns are not really enough because you might have 1 of X edition, 1 of Y edition and the one of them has a quality and the other has another quality.

I think that the row expanding would be the best option, but it might get out of hand fast. For 3 editions on a card (limited, 1st, unlimited) and say, 5 levels of quality, that's 15 additional rows, almost an entire page of the table.

Another issue is that it would take forever to enter data this way. And we would still need to keep all these models in the database.

Finally, we still have no way to price these cards appropriately based on their quality and edition as ygoprices dies not factor in this information.

mkaatman commented 9 years ago

I wonder if there could be a separate editions panel that replaces card details or something. That way if it's 20+ rows, it's at least contained within it's own interface.

If we had notes or tagging per card, the user might be able to mark them that way as well. Since we don't have pricing information that might be sufficient.

monovertex commented 9 years ago

For prices, maybe we could increase / decrease the price by a percent, depending on edition and quality? That would be an artifical change.

I was thinking to make the percents configurable per-user, but then we might end up with inconsistent lists. And when they share lists it will be werid, some of them see some prices, some others.