monperrus / bibtexbrowser

Beautiful publication lists with bibtex and PHP (standalone or in Wordpress)
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Note field in bibtex entry not shown #131

Closed silarri closed 9 months ago

silarri commented 11 months ago

I cannot managed to get "note" fields in the bibtex entries to be shown when using bibtexbrowser. They are not shown even for @misc entries. If there is any way to force the appearance of this field, it would be very nice to know. I tried modifying the .css field, but I did not succeed.

monperrus commented 11 months ago

by default, notes are filtered out. To fix this, add in bibtexbrowser.local.php

silarri commented 11 months ago

This is not working for me. I still cannot see the "note" fields printed. Any idea about what may be happening?

monperrus commented 10 months ago

could you give an example of a bibtex entry and the expected output?

silarri commented 9 months ago

Sorry for the delay, I didn't see the answer. Here there is an example of bibtex entry:

@inproceedings{exampleEntry, author = {Aurora Macías and Elena Navarro and Carlos E. Cuesta and Uwe Zdun}, title = {Architecting Digital Twins Using a Domain-Driven Design-Based Approach}, booktitle = {XXVII Jornadas de Ingenier\'{\i}a del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2023)}, month = {September}, note = {handle: 11705/JISBD/2023/7321}, year = {2023}, url = {}, month = {September}, pages = {1--1}, publisher = {SISTEDES}, editor = {Amador Dur\'{a}n Toro}, }

In the expected output, the text in the note field (i.e., "handle: 11705/JISBD/2023/7321") should appear, but I cannot see that text.

Any help is welcome!

monperrus commented 9 months ago

thanks, fixed in the latest commit.

silarri commented 9 months ago

I replaced the previous bibtexbrowser.php file with the new one, but then I get no output at all in the web page (no publications are shown). Maybe there was some change that requires a modification of the configuration of the system?

monperrus commented 9 months ago

yes, but I don't know which one.

silarri commented 6 months ago

After careful revision, my problem was that the PHP version of the server was slightly older than 5.4.0. To solve it, I had to perform some changes in the code:

In line 4073 I had to change:

$names = []; by: $names = array();

At the beginning of the code, I had to add:

if (!defined('ENT_XHTML')) { define('ENT_XHTML', 32); // Value of ENT_XHTML in PHP 5.4.0 }

if (!defined('PHP_INT_MIN')) { define('PHP_INT_MIN', ~PHP_INT_MAX); // Complement of PHP_INT_MAX }

monperrus commented 6 months ago

thanks for the update.