The CMFR model was totally off when we were running our PFR data. This was because it was not able to estimate the number of CMFRs, so it just used 1 and then was very very off. I modified the epa function to assume 50 CMFRs instead of 1. This fixed my problem!
edit function, change solver to assume 50 CMFRs instead of 1
def Solver_CMFR_N_PFR(t_data, C_data, theta_guess, C_bar_guess):
"""Use non-linear least squares to fit the function
Tracer_CMFR_N(t_seconds, t_bar, C_bar, N), to reactor data.
t_data : float list
Array of times with units
C_data : float list
Array of tracer concentration data with units
theta_guess : float
Estimate of time spent in one CMFR with units.
C_bar_guess : float
Estimate of average concentration with units
(Mass of tracer)/(volume of one CMFR)
theta : float
residence time in seconds
C_bar : float
average concentration with same units as C_bar_guess
N : float
number of CMFRS in series that best fit the data
C_unitless = C_data.magnitude
C_units = str(C_bar_guess.units)
t_seconds = (
# assume that a guess of 50 reactors in series is close enough to get a solution
p0 = [, C_bar_guess.magnitude,50]
popt, pcov = curve_fit(epa.Tracer_CMFR_N, t_seconds, C_unitless, p0)
Solver_theta = popt[0]*u.s
Solver_C_bar = popt[1]*u(C_units)
Solver_N = popt[2]
Reactor_results = collections.namedtuple('Reactor_results','theta C_bar N')
CMFR = Reactor_results(theta=Solver_theta, C_bar=Solver_C_bar, N=Solver_N)
return CMFR
The CMFR model was totally off when we were running our PFR data. This was because it was not able to estimate the number of CMFRs, so it just used 1 and then was very very off. I modified the epa function to assume 50 CMFRs instead of 1. This fixed my problem!
edit function, change solver to assume 50 CMFRs instead of 1
def Solver_CMFR_N_PFR(t_data, C_data, theta_guess, C_bar_guess): """Use non-linear least squares to fit the function Tracer_CMFR_N(t_seconds, t_bar, C_bar, N), to reactor data. Parameters
trial5_CMFR = Solver_CMFR_N_PFR(trial5_time_data, trial5_concentration_data, trial5_theta_hydraulic, trial5_C_bar_guess)