monsieurbiz / SyliusRichEditorPlugin

This plugin add a rich editor on fields to be able to drag and drop elements and edit it.
MIT License
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Can't update the plugin on newer version (post 2.0.2) #184

Closed Kazadri closed 1 year ago

Kazadri commented 1 year ago

Hi; When I try to composer update this plugin, during the cache clear I have the following error :

The service "MonsieurBiz\SyliusRichEditorPlugin\Uploader\FixtureFileUploader" has a dependency on a non-existent service "gaufrette.monsieurbiz_rich_editor_fixture_file_filesystem".

I have this problem on any version post 2.0.2. I'm pretty sure this come from the commit dba0d5a75ae2a25f059c574ecdd02acb6612ae16 witch added a bind on filesystem to use the one for the fixture. There is probably a config to add or something like that but there is noting in the that mention it :/

Thanks for your time; Cheers

jacquesbh commented 1 year ago


It seems that you don't have the correct import of the configuration. You need to have this file in your config: (in config/packages/monsieurbiz_sylius_rich_editor_plugin.yaml).

It should solve the issue. After adding this file in your config (don't forget this one too: in your routes) you should be able to reinstall/upgrade the plugin.

Do not forget to remove the old config files (packages and routes).

Does it solve your issue?


Kazadri commented 1 year ago

This solved the issues ! Thanks a lot for the quick answer !

Cheers :)