monsieurbiz / SyliusSearchPlugin

A search plugin using Elasticsearch for Sylius
MIT License
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Unrecognized option "elastically_configuration_paths" #205

Closed QuentinTavernier closed 6 months ago

QuentinTavernier commented 6 months ago


I am following the steps for "Add custom values for an entity", but during the first step "Add your Elasticsearch config path in monsieurbiz_sylius_search.elastically_configuration_paths", I encounter the following error when i do 'php bin/console monsieurbiz:search:populate' :

"Unrecognized option "elastically_configuration_paths" under "monsieur_biz_sylius_search". Available options are "automapper_classes", "documents"."

Am I doing something wrong?

Plugin version : "2.0@RC"

Thank you

QuentinTavernier commented 6 months ago

Apologies, I have upgraded to version 2.1.X and everything is working now. Thank you again for your plugin.