monster860 / FastDMM

A robust BYOND map editor
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Recent file handling refactor, recent map menu, dynamic window titles #32

Closed d34d10cc closed 7 years ago

d34d10cc commented 7 years ago

What it says on the tin.

Recent files are now handled by a JSON parser, which allows for recent map functionality. We are not leaving past users behind by deleting their recent files, rather we move them over to the new system.

Also, this adds dynamic window titles, meaning the window title will always be in the format of "dme", if only a dme is open; "dme: dmm" if a dmm is open; and "FastDMM" if it's at the starting screen.

d34d10cc commented 7 years ago

Oh, yeah, this also makes all 'if ('s to 'if('s and the same with for and while.

(I assumed we're going with this convention, but in the case we choose to go by the other one, it's easy for me to change it again.)