Let the cache-mover output log be sent to post a message to a Discord channel, Telegram, etc. for easy remote notifications.
Normally, it is tedious to go service by service and integrate as not all may support webhooks and the standard is different for each to implement wasting dev time.
Apprise intends to offer the ability to quickly integrate to multiple services to send notifications via one common URL into a Python script/application, among other ways. They support some 90+ services.
Can start with integrating notifications to one service (like Discord) and have the framework in place to easily integrate to other most common ones (Slack, Telegram, Pushbullet, Pushover etc) . Putting in the Apprise method now allows quick extensibility. User can just provide the relevant notification details in config.yml and off it goes.
What: Let the cache-mover output log be sent to post a message to a Discord channel, Telegram, etc. for easy remote notifications.
Normally, it is tedious to go service by service and integrate as not all may support webhooks and the standard is different for each to implement wasting dev time. Apprise intends to offer the ability to quickly integrate to multiple services to send notifications via one common URL into a Python script/application, among other ways. They support some 90+ services.
Scope: Can start with integrating notifications to one service (like Discord) and have the framework in place to easily integrate to other most common ones (Slack, Telegram, Pushbullet, Pushover etc) . Putting in the Apprise method now allows quick extensibility. User can just provide the relevant notification details in config.yml and off it goes.
Python instructions: https://github.com/caronc/apprise?tab=readme-ov-file#developer-api-usage https://github.com/caronc/apprise/wiki/Development_API#add-add-a-new-notification-service-by-urls