Closed tarzan115 closed 7 years ago
Could you please share the code example with me? Probably you missed something. Do you call regularly the yield
This is my code
I write function subscribeMQTT
like your example. and then I use it to subscribe to a new topic when receiving from old topic.
void subscribeMQTT(const char* TOPIC)
MqttClient::Error::type rc = mqtt->subscribe(TOPIC, MqttClient::QOS0, processMessage);
if (rc != MqttClient::Error::SUCCESS)
LOG_PRINTFLN("Subscribe error: %i", rc);
LOG_PRINTFLN("Drop connection");
this function I do subcribe to message from old topic.
void processMessage(MqttClient::MessageData& md) {
const MqttClient::Message& msg = md.message;
char payload[msg.payloadLen + 1];
memcpy(payload, msg.payload, msg.payloadLen);
payload[msg.payloadLen] = '\0';
"Message arrived: qos %d, retained %d, dup %d, packetid %d, payload:[%s]",
msg.qos, msg.retained, msg.dup,, payload
everything just like your example.
void setup() {
// Setup hardware serial for logging
while (!Serial);
// Setup WiFi network
WiFi.hostname("ESP_" MQTT_ID);
WiFi.begin("ssid", "passphrase");
LOG_PRINTFLN("Connecting to WiFi");
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
LOG_PRINTFLN("Connected to WiFi");
LOG_PRINTFLN("IP: %s", WiFi.localIP().toString().c_str());
// Setup MqttClient
MqttClient::System *mqttSystem = new System;
MqttClient::Logger *mqttLogger = new MqttClient::LoggerImpl<HardwareSerial>(Serial);
MqttClient::Network * mqttNetwork = new MqttClient::NetworkClientImpl<WiFiClient>(network, *mqttSystem);
//// Make 128 bytes send buffer
MqttClient::Buffer *mqttSendBuffer = new MqttClient::ArrayBuffer<128>();
//// Make 128 bytes receive buffer
MqttClient::Buffer *mqttRecvBuffer = new MqttClient::ArrayBuffer<128>();
//// Allow up to 2 subscriptions simultaneously
MqttClient::MessageHandlers *mqttMessageHandlers = new MqttClient::MessageHandlersImpl<2>();
//// Configure client options
MqttClient::Options mqttOptions;
////// Set command timeout to 10 seconds
mqttOptions.commandTimeoutMs = 10000;
//// Make client object
mqtt = new MqttClient(
mqttOptions, *mqttLogger, *mqttSystem, *mqttNetwork, *mqttSendBuffer,
*mqttRecvBuffer, *mqttMessageHandlers
if (!mqtt->isConnected()) {
// Close connection if exists
// Re-establish TCP connection with MQTT broker
network.connect("", 1883);
if (!network.connected()) {
LOG_PRINTFLN("Can't establish the TCP connection");
// Start new MQTT connection
MqttClient::ConnectResult connectResult;
// Connect
MQTTPacket_connectData options = MQTTPacket_connectData_initializer;
options.MQTTVersion = 4;
options.clientID.cstring = (char*)MQTT_ID;
options.cleansession = true;
options.keepAliveInterval = 15; // 15 seconds
MqttClient::Error::type rc = mqtt->connect(options, connectResult);
if (rc != MqttClient::Error::SUCCESS) {
LOG_PRINTFLN("Connection error: %i", rc);
void loop()
and other function in example I already add in my code.
The root-cause of your problem is the combination of the call to subscribeMQTT(payload)
where payload
is a temporary array on stack and default implementation of the MqttClient::MessageHandlers
interface (see MqttClient::MessageHandlersImpl
doesn't copy the topic-string. It just stores the provided pointer. When broker publishes something to the payload
topic that memory might be already corrupted on the client side by something else on stack.
I need to add an additional alternative implementation of the MqttClient::MessageHandlers
interface to support your scenario with dynamic allocation of the topic-strings before storing the pointer.
thank you. I'm waiting for that feature 😄
Could you please try my last changes?
Take a look on MqttClient::MessageHandlersStaticImpl
and MqttClient::MessageHandlersDynamicImpl
My suggestion is to use MqttClient::MessageHandlersStaticImpl
to avoid dynamic allocations.
@monstrenyatko thank you so so much. it was successful. could you please upgrade to Arduino libraries.
Hi @monstrenyatko I setup everything in
functions. and I want to subscribe to topicsubtest
when receiving messagesubtest
from broker. It was returned Success but when I publish a message tosubtest
topic. my device cannot receive any data from topicsubtest
.I tested subscribes 2 topics while setup MQTT, its success, and my device can receive data from both.
can you help me figure out that issue?
thank you so much.