monterail / angular-date-range-picker

Pure Angular date range picker, no jQuery
MIT License
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documentation #22

Closed DaveC426913 closed 8 years ago

DaveC426913 commented 9 years ago

It would be really cool if there were a little more documentation. For example, how do I actually capture the dates in my controller? How do I know they've changed? I tried ng-click="ok($event)" but it does nothing.

[EDIT] The callback is what I was looking for. what would be very helpful if it were in the docs.

teamon commented 9 years ago

You can capture the change using standard $scope.$watch.

You may want to take a look at - the new, better version of angular date picker redesigned from scratch (based on angular-date-range-picker experience in the wild)

/cc @venticco

Abhijeetpatil commented 9 years ago

its a question Actully

I have to implement dateLimit how can i set limit to select two dates

Thanks in Advance

JackLeEmmerdeur commented 9 years ago

Glad the Dave brought me on the right track. Looked up the location of callback within the datepicker-code. Found scope { callback: "&" } and as I knew that the isolated-scope mechanism in directives were a blind spot for me, I was forced to RTF. Thx to this, I could educate myself and as soon as I reached the &-symbol for isolated scopes I knew how to do it:

<user ng-controller="UserCtrl">     <input type="text" date-range-picker ng-model="dates" callback="onDatesChanged()" />

The input-element is contained within the directive user, which is bound to the Controller UserCtrl. The latter contains a function $scope.onDatesChanged = function() {.... So the date-range-picker gets the function passed into its isolated scope.

Maybe that was to detailed, but just alone the word callback could not help in the first place

hodak commented 8 years ago

Thanks for opening the issue. We're sorry to say that we've stopped maintaining this project in favor of angular-mighty-datepicker. We encourage you to check it out instead.