monterail / guidelines

[DEPRECATED] We are Ruby on Rails experts from Poland. Think hussars. Solid & winged. These are our guidelines.
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Disable assets and specs generators, except unit test ones #165

Closed sheerun closed 11 years ago

sheerun commented 11 years ago
  config.generators do |g|
    g.test_framework :rspec, fixture: false
    g.view_specs false
    g.helper_specs false
    g.controller_specs false
    g.integration_specs false
    g.stylesheets = false
    g.javascripts = false
    g.helper = false
teamon commented 11 years ago

Nope, is should be

  config.generators do |g|
    g.test_framework :rspec, fixture: false

    g.view_specs        false
    g.helper_specs      false
    g.controller_specs  false
    g.integration_specs false

    g.stylesheets = false
    g.javascripts = false
    g.helper      = false


jandudulski commented 11 years ago
sheerun commented 11 years ago

@jandudulski If you create controller it doesn't mean you will use helpers for it.

jandudulski commented 11 years ago

@sheerun disabling just helpers (not helpers_specs) should be enough, isn't it?

sheerun commented 11 years ago

Yeah, probably

jandudulski commented 11 years ago


We already agreed to disable helpers generator #104
