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Use new expectation syntax when using rspec #170

Closed jandudulski closed 11 years ago

jandudulski commented 11 years ago

Rspec has a new expectation syntax:

it { something.should be_valid }

# vs

it { expect(something).to be_valid }

... which is recommended by rspec devs. It simplifies monkey-patches in rspec and would be default option in rspec 3 (old syntax will be probably disabled).

You can read more on rspec dev blog.

jandudulski commented 11 years ago

/cc @sheerun @teamon @Ostrzy @szajbus @chytreg @jcieslar

sheerun commented 11 years ago


szajbus commented 11 years ago

Obviously :+1:

sheerun commented 10 years ago

We can add following to force new syntax:

  config.expect_with :rspec do |c|
    c.syntax = :expect