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Pass Rails env as factory #178

Closed chytreg closed 11 years ago

chytreg commented 11 years ago

Read the diff :)

jandudulski commented 11 years ago

Love the idea, but why using helper and injecting js into dom instead of separate js file? e.g.

# app/assets/
angular.module('app').service 'Config', ->
    foo: '<%= %>'

And also, as you can notice, I think we should use service instead of factory and services/factories should start with capital letter.

chytreg commented 11 years ago

coffe.erb bad idea, problems with asset caching :(

chytreg commented 11 years ago

Btw what is wrong with solutions like

jandudulski commented 11 years ago

This article says I was wrong - we shouldn't use service here. But it also shows a better thing than factory: app.constant('envConfig', {foo: 'bar' }) seems perfect.

About gon and similar - I just don't like any js and css inside document, but if erb sucks we probably don't have a choice :(

teamon commented 11 years ago

gon is global, here we are creating proper angular dependency. constatn indeed seems perfect :)

chytreg commented 11 years ago

Could we merge or [anyone - @sheerun] against?

sheerun commented 11 years ago

I'd change constant name to ENV

sheerun commented 11 years ago

Hash should be in ApplicationController, and JS code in view btw.

teamon commented 11 years ago


Tymon Tobolski

On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 at 12:47 PM, Dariusz Gertych wrote:

Read the diff :) You can merge this Pull Request by running git pull feature/js-env Or view, comment on, or merge it at: Commit Summary Pass Rails env as factory

File Changes M ( (37)

Patch Links:

sheerun commented 11 years ago

What why

teamon commented 11 years ago

Why should it be put in ApplicationController and js in view?

Tymon Tobolski

On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 at 12:47 PM, Dariusz Gertych wrote:

Read the diff :) You can merge this Pull Request by running git pull feature/js-env Or view, comment on, or merge it at: Commit Summary Pass Rails env as factory

File Changes M ( (37)

Patch Links:

sheerun commented 11 years ago

Because you may want to pass settings from request or some controller method that is not exposed as helper. Helpers are just for rendering, not for fetching data from Figaro.env.

sheerun commented 11 years ago

If you really want helper, create one that accepts hash of attributes to pass to angular.

teamon commented 11 years ago

If you need to pass such data there is something wrong with app architecture. This should be constant for application and stuff like etc are already available as helper methods and accessible in application helper.

Tymon Tobolski

On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 at 12:47 PM, Dariusz Gertych wrote:

Read the diff :) You can merge this Pull Request by running git pull feature/js-env Or view, comment on, or merge it at: Commit Summary Pass Rails env as factory

File Changes M ( (37)

Patch Links:

sheerun commented 11 years ago

I'm against merging this code.

chytreg commented 11 years ago

It was said: [anyone - @sheerun] :P

Btw @sheerun now you are trying to invent gon for Angular.

Maybe we should write our on include_gon helper. What do you think?

Best regards Dariusz Gertych

2013/8/21 Adam Stankiewicz

I'm against merging this code.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

teamon commented 11 years ago

This is 5 lines of code and you can write whole gon in another 5 (+ rewriting half of it to replace include_gon helper). For me current solution in this PR is perfect.

Tymon Tobolski

On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 at 12:47 PM, Dariusz Gertych wrote:

Read the diff :) You can merge this Pull Request by running git pull feature/js-env Or view, comment on, or merge it at: Commit Summary Pass Rails env as factory

File Changes M ( (37)

Patch Links:

sheerun commented 11 years ago
  1. Gon is more advanced, and it's irrevelant to the issue I'm pointing
  2. Fetching data from helper is wrong
teamon commented 11 years ago

Ad 2. So lazy loaded current_user helper is also wrong?

Tymon Tobolski

On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 at 12:47 PM, Dariusz Gertych wrote:

Read the diff :) You can merge this Pull Request by running git pull feature/js-env Or view, comment on, or merge it at: Commit Summary Pass Rails env as factory

File Changes M ( (37)

Patch Links:

chytreg commented 11 years ago

Ad 1) It's not irrelevant because is working like you want to work, (e.g. push data from controller) Ad 2) Do you think more clear way is to code it directly in the view?

Best regards Dariusz Gertych

2013/8/21 Adam Stankiewicz

  1. Gon is more advanced, and it's irrevelant to the issue I'm pointing
  2. Fetching data from helper is wrong

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

sheerun commented 11 years ago

Ad 1. It's irrelevant. Fetching data from helper is universally wrong. Ad 2. Helper is last place I would check for variables that are passed to angular. CONTROLLER is the place to fetch data, and pass data to the VIEW. VIEW may pass data to HELPER (not necessary).

chytreg commented 11 years ago

Could you propose more valid version?

jandudulski commented 11 years ago
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  def js_env
      foo: 'bar'
  helper_method :js_env
chytreg commented 11 years ago


chytreg commented 11 years ago

@Ostrzy any comment?

jandudulski commented 11 years ago

yyy, sorry:

def js_env_data
      foo: 'bar'
  helper_method :js_env_data

And helper will just print this data.

sheerun commented 11 years ago

I guess the same helper defined in controller + helper_method is ok. You may even render in controller, I don't care. Just don't fetch data directly from application_helper.rb

chytreg commented 11 years ago

Here in the office we can't agree with that solution. I know is more valid, but we do not see the use case of this solution. Why we should have the method in controller that we never use? The assumption is that the js_env is not extendable the same as figaro application.yml config.

sheerun commented 11 years ago

You may use before_filter and @jsData if you don't want method you won't use.

teamon commented 11 years ago

@jsData is even worse. I'd rather have single place (helper) with everything than such simple functionality splitted into 3 (or more) files.

sheerun commented 11 years ago

It should be fix: Make @sheerun happy ;>

teamon commented 11 years ago

... or we should wait for @szajbus opinion.

szajbus commented 11 years ago

I am way behind you guys on angular stuff...

chytreg commented 11 years ago

@szajbus The problem is not about angular, but where to put rails code. Unfortunately must read some previous comment to get what is going on :smile:

szajbus commented 11 years ago

@chytreg That's what I feared! :)