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Highly recommend bindonce directive for angular projects #180

Closed jandudulski closed 10 years ago

jandudulski commented 11 years ago

Great article how you can easily reduce number of watchers just by using bindonce directive.


Many of checks are one time only - data doesn't change during runtime (e.g. show something to signed in user), you just need to check them once, during render. But they still creates $watch - bindonce directive allows to run check/bind without new $watch.

jandudulski commented 11 years ago

/cc @teamon @porada @sheerun

sheerun commented 11 years ago

+1 but only for optimization later in project

teamon commented 11 years ago

@jandudulski PR

jandudulski commented 11 years ago

@teamon I will, thanks for ping

teamon commented 10 years ago


jandudulski commented 10 years ago

Ups, sorry.