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Mac bootsrap script #192

Closed chytreg closed 10 years ago

chytreg commented 10 years ago

Sample bootstrap script for mac. It make setup of development environment on new mac machine easy.

Thx for @sheerun

sheerun commented 10 years ago

For Mavericks only :) It's theoretically idempotent, so you can run it even now.

@chytreg I think it's good to describe what it does, exactly

chytreg commented 10 years ago

I'm disappointed, no hate :panda_face: Does anyone has any concerns? Can I merge it? @bartoszpietrzak @teamon @szajbus @jandudulski

jandudulski commented 10 years ago

I don't care :see_no_evil:

szajbus commented 10 years ago

Me neither. I have my own install scripts in my dotfiles.

chytreg commented 10 years ago

Ok, will merge. Keep in mind that we have something like this when the new person come or you are going to reinstall the next mac machine.

chytreg commented 10 years ago

@szajbus Have you read the boostrap file? I don't see in you dotfiles similar kind of install script.

This script it's not dotfiles it prepares new machine ready for development in short time.

It will install brew, brew-cask, mysql, mongo, postgres, configure pow ... some apps like seqeel pro, firefox, chrome, sublime ...

szajbus commented 10 years ago

True, I mean I will probably put similar thing into my dotfiles at some poing and then use them ;)

porada commented 10 years ago

I’d have expressed my hate, but you didn’t mention me. :cry:

Let’s be honest—nobody will use this script. Ever.

  1. Everyone has his/her own dotfiles.
  2. Things get outdated quickly.

I’m for reverting this as a guideline.

bartoszrega commented 10 years ago
  1. What about people who start their mac journeys? AFAIK purpose of the bootstrap script is to speed-up the dev env setup for people who start their journey with macs. It's not for powerusers with their own dotfiles.
  2. This applies to roughly half of our rules
chytreg commented 10 years ago

@porada Have you looked into the script it's not about dotfiles!!!

porada commented 10 years ago

The script itself is okay, but it’s not a guideline (especially given the fact this is the only entry in We could keep fresh OS X setup scripts in a separate repository or in a gist.

Ostrzy commented 10 years ago

I will actually use this script probably quite soon and I gratefully thank @sheerun & @chytreg for it. As for existing it as a guideline, I do not have any objections for it.