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[DEPRECATED] We are Ruby on Rails experts from Poland. Think hussars. Solid & winged. These are our guidelines.
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Ruby version in Gemfile #226

Closed kapone89 closed 9 years ago

kapone89 commented 9 years ago

Adam Hodowany asked me to add issue about storing ruby version in Gemfile. He think that we should discuss it.

chytreg commented 9 years ago

In case where you use heroku-build-pack ruby version in Gemfile is required. You can always use ENV to temporally use another ruby.

source ''
gem 'bundler', '>= 1.7.0'

ruby ENV['GEMFILE_RUBY'] || '2.2.2'
export GEMFILE_RUBY=2.1.2; rails s
jandudulski commented 9 years ago

:+1: for @chytreg

teamon commented 9 years ago

:+1: @kapone89 (or @hodak) please make a PR.

hodak commented 9 years ago merged