Open BakedInd opened 7 years ago
@BakedInd I'm setting the value, but it could be that the IO implementation is ignoring it.
Which board are you using it on?
Thanks for the fast response! It's on just a Raspberry Pi 3
Sorry... to clarify more...
Node Red on RPi 3, with Arduino Mega 2560 connected via USB running all our sensors (standard firmata, of course)
Node Red is being run on Raspbian Lite OS
running this against an UNO. Seems to be working ok with the StandardFirmata sketch. using a simple analog out to a debug:
[{"id":"1a38a718.700729","type":"gpio in","z":"d7617793.6052e8","name":"","state":"ANALOG","samplingInterval":"1000","pin":"0","board":"ef3fef2d.6949d","x":316.5,"y":688,"wires":[["bdab348a.4669e8"]]},{"id":"bdab348a.4669e8","type":"debug","z":"d7617793.6052e8","name":"","active":true,"console":"false","complete":"false","x":528.5,"y":702,"wires":[]},{"id":"ef3fef2d.6949d","type":"nodebot","z":"","name":"","username":"","password":"","boardType":"firmata","serialportName":"/dev/cu.wchusbserial1410","connectionType":"local","mqttServer":"","socketServer":"","pubTopic":"","subTopic":"","tcpHost":"","tcpPort":"","sparkId":"","sparkToken":"","beanId":"","impId":"","meshbluServer":"","uuid":"","token":"","sendUuid":""}]
Is this feature broken?
I have tried changing the sampling intervals to a bunch of different settings and nothing seems to change the sample rate coming from the node.
Is it broken? Is it supposed to be milliseconds?