monteslu / node-red-contrib-gpio

A set of node-red nodes for connecting to johnny-five IO Plugins
MIT License
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[nodebot:galileo] error loading io class #4

Open microspace opened 9 years ago

microspace commented 9 years ago

I get this error when I run node-red. Error refer to this line of code This means can't create boardModule class. This can be fro two reasons 1) something wrong with galileo-io 2) n.boardType is empty

I've tried to blink the led using galileo-io example from here It is working. I think this means that problem is not with galileo-io lib. Here is console.log for n:

n.boardType{ id: '9d57e2eb.62a82',
  type: 'nodebot',
  name: '',
  username: '',
  password: '',
  boardType: 'firmata',
  serialportName: '/dev/USBTTY1',
  connectionType: 'local',
  mqttServer: '',
  pubTopic: '',
  subTopic: '',
  tcpHost: '',
  tcpPort: '',
  sparkId: '',
  sparkToken: '',
  beanId: '',
  impId: '' }

boardtype is always 'firmata' and doesn't change whatever board I select.