montilab / hypeR

An R Package for Geneset Enrichment Workflows
GNU General Public License v3.0
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X-axis and Outputting Gene Overlap Size #42

Closed NicNikoloutsos closed 2 years ago

NicNikoloutsos commented 2 years ago

Hi, very nice package, thank you for making it!

I am confused as to what the x-axis FDR represents after calling hyp_plot on a hyp object. Is this different from the color coded FDR or is it the same values and redundant info?


I would also like to know if it would be possible to output the gene overlap or gene ratio size alongside the dots.

Thank you for your time!

anfederico commented 2 years ago

The x-axis is the significance of the overlap. It can be p-values or adjusted p-values (FDR). And yes the coloring is redundant. This is a similar issue to #35. I'm planning on updating this plot with more options - I can definitely consider adding gene overlap / size ratio in the margins as well, that's a good suggestion.

anfederico commented 2 years ago

This has been updated and closed in #35. Please refer to that issue or re-open this one if you have further questions.