montlikadani / SetTheSpawn

Set spawn at the location.
1 stars 2 forks source link

STS Plugin delay problem #5

Closed PleisureUP closed 5 years ago

PleisureUP commented 5 years ago

Describe your problem :

The /spawn command doesn't have the 3 or 5 seconds delay i putted in the config file


Plugin version: lastest (9 sept 2019) Software (Spigot lastest version) version: Minecraft Server 1.14.4

Plugins used: BAC (MC-1.14).jar Clearlag.jar EasyPrefix 1.5.8.jar EconomyShopGUI+1.1.jar EssentialsPro_1.6.jar EssentialsX- GUIShop.jar (disabled) GroupManager.jar RandomTeleport.jar RedProtect-7.6.3-b270-Universal.jar SetTheSpawn.jar Vault.jar

Console error

Actually, no console errors

[00:24:33] [Server thread/INFO]: PleisureUP issued server command: /spawn
[00:28:47] [Server thread/INFO]: [ClearLag] Warning Ground items will be removed in 60 seconds!
[00:29:27] [Server thread/INFO]: [ClearLag] Warning Ground items will be removed in 20 seconds!
[00:29:47] [Server thread/INFO]: [ClearLag] Removed 0 Entities!
[00:31:33] [Server thread/INFO]: PleisureUP issued server command: /spawn
[00:31:42] [Server thread/INFO]: PleisureUP issued server command: /spawn

Configuration file(s):

#                    SetTheSpawn Configuration File                      #
# config.yml file. Plugin version: 2.4                                   #
# Author, created by: montlikadani                                       #
# [Default configuration]                                                #
#     #
#                                                                        #
# [Placeholders]                                                         #
#          #
#                                                                        #
# [Tips]                                                                 #
# - Use color coding '&' character, on this page:                        #
#                        #
# - If you find a bug, send here:                                        #
#                     #
# - If the string is empty does not send the message.                    #

# Use the Vault plugin for the plugin.
vault: true

# How many seconds do you have to wait for a player to be teleported?
# If 0 you do not have to wait.
teleport-delay: 5 # In seconds!

# This allows to send the messages repeatedly when the player starts
# teleporting and timer, or if it is false, sends the message once only.
# This can affect the use of server ram when enabled.
teleport-message-repeater: false

# Teleport progress bar.
  enable: true

  # Progress bar size.
  bar-size: 30.0

  # Bar update fast in ticks.
  fast: 2

  # Teleport progress display mark.
  mark: "|"

  # When the teleport is ready.
  done-color: "&a&l"

  # When teleport is not ready yet.
  not-done-color: "&c&l"

  # Use %output%, %time% placeholder.
  message-format: "&aTeleporting in:&7&l [%output%&7&l]&6 (&8%time%&6)"

# If the spawn can not be found, teleport it to the world spawn?
teleport-to-world-spawn-if-spawn-not-found: true

# Teleport op players to spawn. (Sign & spawn command)
# If false not teleport op players.
# If true teleport op players to spawn.
# This only sign & command work. (If everybody teleport)
teleport-op-players: false

# A player teleported to the spawn, how many seconds to protect the player from damage?
# Set 0 to disable.
no-damage-time: 5

# Teleports automatically to spawn, when a player afk status is true.
# Requires Essentials!
auto-teleport-to-spawn-when-player-afk: false

# Is it a spawn setting in separate worlds?
# This is typical for each function!
# If true, it will write to the spawns.yml file in the world where the player is currently in (setup).
# If it is false, it will write to the spawns.yml file, the world name for the coordinates, and so on.
per-world-spawn: false

# Teleport to the set player bed spawn. If the player bed spawn not found, teleports to the spawn.
# The bed location not manage by this plugin!
teleport-to-bed-spawn: false

# In which worlds can spawn not be set?
disabled-worlds: []

# Disable spawn command in pvp.
  enable: true

  # Command disabling time in seconds.
  time: 5

  # Message when you attack a player or attack you.
  message: "&cNow you can not teleport to spawn because you're still fighting with a player."

# Check if the player is flying mode?
# If it is true, you can teleport in flight too.
# If it is false, it will cancel the teleport delay.
# This ignores with permission.
allow-spawn-when-flying: true

# Prevent spawn teleport when player is in fire?
# This ignores with permission.
prevent-spawn-when-player-is-in-fire: false

# When a player presses the SHIFT button while teleporting, and sits in snake mode, will it cancel teleportation?
# This ignores with setthespawn.bypass.sneak permission.
  enable: false
  message: "&cTeleporting is canceled because snake mode is enabled."

# Cost /spawn command or sign usage.
# For this requires a Vault plugin.
  enable: false

  enable-permission: true
  # If this is specified at the group, they can use the /spawn command without payment.
  # If not specified, the /spawn command must be paid.
  permission: setthespawn.bypass.spawncost

  # This can be set as per-spawn when setting the spawn point.
  cost: 3.0

  # Sign usage price. (Same as /spawn command.)
    enable: false

    enable-permission: true
    # If this is specified at the rank, they can use the spawn sign without payment.
    # If not specified, the spawn sign usage must be paid.
    permission: setthespawn.bypass.signcost

    # Cost of sign usage
    cost: 2.0

# Cancel teleport if:
  # Player was moved while teleporting.
    enable: true

    # Message when the player moved.
    teleport-canceled: "&cTeleport cancelled, you can't move!"

    # If true when the player moves, the teleport delay will cancel.
    # If false when the player moves, the teleport delay does NOT cancel it.
    enable-permission: true
    permission: setthespawn.bypass.movement

    # Play sound when a player moved while teleporting.
      enable: true

      # Usage: SOUND_TYPE, volume, pitch
      type: BLOCK_PORTAL_TRAVEL, 8, 1

    # If the player moved during teleporting, would the player pay for it or not?
      enable: false

      # Cost for moved during teleport
      cost: 3.50

      # The permission to bypass move
      enable-permission: true
      permission: setthespawn.bypass.spawn.movedcost

      # Use %cost% placeholder.
      no-money: "&cYou do not have enough money to move during teleport.&e Cost:&a $%cost%"

  # Player was jump while teleporting.
    enable: true

    # Message when the player jumped.
    teleport-canceled: "&cTeleport cancelled, you can't jump!"

    # If true when the player jump, the teleport delay will cancel.
    # If false when the player jump, the teleport delay does NOT cancel it.
    enable-permission: true
    permission: setthespawn.bypass.jump

    # Play sound when a player jump while teleporting.
      enable: true

      # Usage: SOUND_TYPE, volume, pitch
      type: BLOCK_WOODEN_DOOR_CLOSE, 8, 1

    # If the player jumped during teleporting, would the player pay for it or not?
      enable: true

      # Cost for jumped during teleport
      cost: 1.00

      # The permission to bypass jump
      enable-permission: true
      permission: setthespawn.bypass.spawn.jumpedcost

      # Use %cost% placeholder.
      no-money: "&cYou do not have enough money to jump in teleport.&e Cost:&a $%cost%"

  # When the player is attacked while teleporting.
    enable: true

    # Message when the other player attacked.
    teleport-canceled: "&cTeleport cancelled, you are in combat!"

    # If true when the player is attacked, the teleport delay will cancel.
    # If false when the player is attacked, the teleport delay does NOT cancel it.
    enable-permission: true
    permission: setthespawn.bypass.damage

    # Play sound when a player attacked someone while teleporting.
      enable: true

      # Usage: SOUND_TYPE, volume, pitch
      type: BLOCK_LEVER_CLICK, 8, 1

    # If the player damage during teleporting, would the player pay for it or not?
      enable: false

      # Cost for get damage during teleport
      cost: 0.5

      # The permission to bypass cancel teleport for got damage
      enable-permission: true
      permission: setthespawn.bypass.spawn.damagecost

      # Use %cost% placeholder.
      no-money: "&cYou do not have enough money for the teleport damage.&e Cost:&a $%cost%"

# When a player is being teleported, will plays an effect?
  enable: true

  # All effects:
  # Usage: EFFECT_TYPE, duration
  effect: ENDER_SIGNAL, 10

# Teleport sound playback.
  enable: true

  # All sounds:
  # 1.7.x:
  # 1.8.x:
  # 1.9.x - 1.13.x:
  # Usage: SOUND_TYPE, volume, pitch
  sound: ENDERMAN_TELEPORT, 10, 1

# Launch firework when the player teleported to the spawn.
  enable: true

  # If true, the features below do not apply to it.
  random: true
  flicker: true
  trail: true

  # All firework types:
  type: STAR

  # Colors 0 - 255
  - 229,0,0
  - 0,80,0
  - 0,0,103

  # The power to launch the firework.
  power: 1

# Send title if:
  # When you have started teleporting, a title will also be displayed.
    enable: true

    # Use %seconds% placeholder.
    title: "&aTeleporting in"
    subtitle: "&6%seconds%&a seconds"

    # The time it takes for the title to fade into the screen. (In ticks)
    fade-in: 10
    # The time it takes for the title to stay on the screen. (In ticks)
    stay: 30
    # The time it takes for the title to fade out of the screen. (In ticks)
    fade-out: 60
  # This is when the player has teleported to the spawn and displays the title.
    enable: true

    title: "&3Teleport"
    subtitle: "&asuccess!"

    # The time it takes for the title to fade into the screen. (In ticks)
    fade-in: 10
    # The time it takes for the title to stay on the screen. (In ticks)
    stay: 30
    # The time it takes for the title to fade out of the screen. (In ticks)
    fade-out: 60
  # When a player moves while teleporting.
    enable: true

    title: "&cYou moved!"
    subtitle: "&eTeleport cancelled."

    # The time it takes for the title to fade into the screen. (In ticks)
    fade-in: 10
    # The time it takes for the title to stay on the screen. (In ticks)
    stay: 30
    # The time it takes for the title to fade out of the screen. (In ticks)
    fade-out: 50
  # When a player jump while teleporting.
    enable: true

    title: "&cYou jumped!"
    subtitle: "&eTeleport cancelled."

    # The time it takes for the title to fade into the screen. (In ticks)
    fade-in: 10
    # The time it takes for the title to stay on the screen. (In ticks)
    stay: 30
    # The time it takes for the title to fade out of the screen. (In ticks)
    fade-out: 50
  # When teleporting player are attacked while teleporting.
    enable: true

    title: "&cA player was attacked!"
    subtitle: "&eTeleport cancelled."

    # The time it takes for the title to fade into the screen. (In ticks)
    fade-in: 10
    # The time it takes for the title to stay on the screen. (In ticks)
    stay: 30
    # The time it takes for the title to fade out of the screen. (In ticks)
    fade-out: 50

# When does the player void, will the player teleport to the spawn?
  enable: true

  # At that point, the player will be teleported to the spawn.
  # Example: 5 - so Y:5.
  height: 0

  # If it is true, it does not hurt.
  # If it is false, it hurts.
  fall-distance: true

  # When a player void, plays an effect?
    enable: true

    # All effects:
    effect: ENDER_SIGNAL, 15

  # Message when the player has void fall and teleported to spawn.
  message: ""

# Teleport on command when the player teleported to spawn.
  enable: true

  # Use %player%, %player-displayname%, %world%, %player-gamemode%, %player-health%, %player-max-health% placeholder.
  # Use player & console arguments for first.
  - "player: money"
  - "player: kit"
  - "console: eco take %player% 50"
  - "console: money"

# Teleport to spawn if:
  # If the player joins the server, will it teleport to the spawn?
  player-join: false

  # If the player first joins the server, will it teleport to the spawn?
  player-first-join: true

  # When the player is died and teleported to the spawn.
  respawn: true

# Spawn sign settings.
  # Allows you to create and use the spawn sign.
  enable: true

  # Save signs automatically to a file when you place a sign?
  save-sign-data: false

  # If the player does not have permission to create a sign.
    # If it is true, it will break the sign.
    # If it is false, it does not break the sign.
    break-sign: false

    # If this enabled then writes the lines to sign.
      enable: true

      - "&cYou do not have"
      - "&cpermission"
      - "&cto create"
      - "&ca sign!"

  # If the spawn is not set up and what to write.
  # Use %text% placeholder.
  - "&c[Spawn]"
  - "%text%"
  - "%text%"
  - "%text%"

  # If the spawn is set and what to write.
    - "&9[Spawn]"
    - "%text%"
    - "%text%"
    - "%text%"

    # Use %all% placeholder.
    - "&9[Spawn]"
    - "%all%"
    - "%text%"
    - "%text%"

    # If the world spawn is set and what to write.
      # Use %world% placeholder.
      - "&9[Spawn]"
      - "&6%world%"
      - "%text%"
      - "%text%"

      # Use %all%, %world% placeholder.
      - "&9[Spawn]"
      - "%all%"
      - "%world%"
      - "%text%"

  # Play particle effect when a user creates a spawn sign?
    enable: true

    # All particle effects:
    type: EXPLOSION_LARGE, 5

# Enable the gui setup?
enable-gui: false

# How many rows should the GUI have?
gui-rows: 1

# What should the name of the GUI be?
gui-name: "&5Spawn settings"

# Close the GUI when a player clicks on an item?
close-gui-when-player-clicked-on-a-item: true

# All GUI items are here. Add slots in the same format, and it will add items to the GUI.
# How to add new item in GUI?:
# Slot starts at 0 and end at 53 for a size 54 inventory.
    item: AIR
    command: ""
    item: AIR
    command: ""
    item: SIGN
    durability: 0
    name: "&3Setspawn"
      - "&7------------"
      - "&aSet spawn command."
      - "&7------------"
    command: setspawn
    item: AIR
    command: ""
    item: ENDER_PEARL
    durability: 0
    name: "&6Teleport"
      - "&7------------"
      - "&aTeleport to the spawn."
      - "&7------------"
    command: spawn
    item: AIR
    command: ""
    item: BONE
    durability: 0
    name: "&4Delete spawn"
      - "&7------------"
      - "&5Delete spawn location."
      - "&7------------"
    command: delspawn

#             Plugin Settings             #
# bStats Metrics
metrics: true

# Check for updates.
check-update: true

# Log plugin messages into console.
logconsole: true

# Logging to file messages.
log-to-file: true

# Plugin enable/disable messages in console.
# Use %newline% placeholder.
plugin-enable: '&6[&9Set&2The&4Spawn&6]&7 >&a The plugin successfully enabled&6 v2.4&a!'
plugin-disable: '&6[&9Set&2The&4Spawn&6]&7 >&c The plugin successfully disabled!'

config-version: 7
montlikadani commented 5 years ago

And you not reloaded the plugin to affect.

PleisureUP commented 5 years ago

I have reloaded many time, even tried by restarting the server, the console was just to show that the plugin is OK, but the configuration file seems to not be OK

montlikadani commented 5 years ago

Try the STS plugin without EssentialsPro plugin.

PleisureUP commented 5 years ago

EssentialsPro_1.6.jar was interfering with STS, thanks for the help, i should've think of this before, could you prevent theses future problems by adding it to the knew problems? have a nice day :D

montlikadani commented 5 years ago

This is not problem, this two spawn plugin problem, because if a plugin has loaded first and other spawn plugin after then the first loaded plugin command will work.