montlikadani / TabList

A free alternative tablist with fewer options
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Please look into adding sponge placeholder api #227

Open MrWhiteFlamesYT opened 3 years ago

MrWhiteFlamesYT commented 3 years ago


Suggest looking into sponge's placeholder api, will probably be better to use that to get placeholders to work on tablist. Because it makes it hard for people to add external placeholders to use the plugin, or to create a fork for the plugin. don't have to use placeholderAPI sponge has added there own placeholderapi.

montlikadani commented 3 years ago

Do you think I should fork that outdated repository? Why me? I am not the developer of that resource, but the one who created it. The reason I don't add PAPI to this plugin as a dependency is already outdated, not updated (3rd year), API availability is probably broken, and there may be issues that can't be fixed in another resource. Or maybe it's not updated because it's not needed? This is conceivable for a smaller project, but for the source code, it is somewhat necessary to add code fixes and additional implementations. Anyway, why don't you fork that repository instead of me? I have different things to do and need to break time with other projects.

Also, this is duplicates with #162

MrWhiteFlamesYT commented 3 years ago

A little bit rude are we, I am not revering to the papi you are talking about, image I am talking about this where the support team on discord told me to tell you about this to see if you can implement it to the plugin it will support the other plugins placeholder without depending on another plugin to do it. and unlike you that have coding experience, is it hard for me that can't do coding so i am frustrated cause of it, i hate myself cause of my self confidence that struggles to learn the coding languages, Struggling to understand the stuff to a point so don't just blubber words without knowing if the user can code or not, don't blabber words out that does not go to the point i am making and i did see that papi was last updated in 2017 for sponge but sponge brought out there own embedded to there api.

montlikadani commented 3 years ago

I don’t see any placeholder context in sponge that knows all placeholders, Sponge can only provide placeholder context for resources to implement placeholders properly. The Sponge API has only PlaceholderContext, PlaceholderParser, and other classes that allow you to parse placeholders for other resources as well if you create some. The only way, though, is just creating dependency with the PlaceholderAPI, since I haven’t seen any plugins that use the contexts mentioned above, each resource uses only its own, like the TabList. I don’t know who and why said this that Sponge’s built-in system can provide placeholders for other plugins, at least I haven’t seen it.

kanagawawave commented 3 years ago

I don’t see any placeholder context in sponge that knows all placeholders, Sponge can only provide placeholder context for resources to implement placeholders properly. The Sponge API has only PlaceholderContext, PlaceholderParser, and other classes that allow you to parse placeholders for other resources as well if you create some. The only way, though, is just creating dependency with the PlaceholderAPI, since I haven’t seen any plugins that use the contexts mentioned above, each resource uses only its own, like the TabList. I don’t know who and why said this that Sponge’s built-in system can provide placeholders for other plugins, at least I haven’t seen it.

If you can support nucleus placeholders it would be amazing. They use sponge placeholder system not the old PAPI, more info here:

montlikadani commented 3 years ago

Same again, Nucleus also uses its own placeholders, not supposed for other resources.

rubataka commented 3 years ago

Same again, Nucleus also uses its own placeholders, not supposed for other resources.

Isn't really possible to support Nucleous placeholders? Support for their AFK placeholder token would be amazing. It says here it's possible (, in the "Using Tokens in Other Plugins" part. They seem to use it here:

montlikadani commented 3 years ago

It’s only possible if we use the available API, but if that happened, there would be a few million afk resources besides Nucleus that would have to be added as dependencies again. We don’t want to add 200 resources as dependencies. But in general, it’s worth adding resources that are popular and used by many people.

kanagawawave commented 3 years ago

It’s only possible if we use the available API, but if that happened, there would be a few million afk resources besides Nucleus that would have to be added as dependencies again. We don’t want to add 200 resources as dependencies. But in general, it’s worth adding resources that are popular and used by many people.

Nucleus fit perfectly in that phrase "popular and used by many" 👍