montoyo / mcef

Minecraft ChromiumEF (based on JCEF)
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upgrading to more recent JCEF #30

Closed binary1230 closed 5 years ago

binary1230 commented 6 years ago

Hi, I'm attempting to upgrade to latest JCEF/CEF so I can get a more recent chromium version for some video streaming stuff I'm trying to do.

I was able to get things compiled and working decently for a first pass, but currently I am having an issue where CefClient::OnPaint() never seems to get called. I realize without providing any additional context it would be hard to give advice, but, before I get too much deeper on the debugging, any obvious gotchas come to mind on why that could be happening?

Thanks -Dom

binary1230 commented 6 years ago

and, figured it out, turned out that with the new JCEF debug DLL it had some new checks to make sure we're on the right Thread, after restoring some of the init code to be on the original thread JCEF was using, it started working!

Here's a shot of it running Chromium 67 inside MC image

Here was the change

Will keep testing this and probably open a PR soon for it

binary1230 commented 6 years ago

And here it is working with WebDisplays unmodified:


grillo78 commented 5 years ago

Can you play a video with any codec?

montoyo commented 5 years ago

Thanks @binary1230 that was actually some good work and I'm really sorry I couldn't find some time to work on MCEF earlier. Since this is quite old, I've updated MCEF to the latest JCEF version myself, but your PR contains a lot of interesting stuff that I'll definitely check out.

The latest JCEF version contained a few others annoying things (like, the backspace key was broken, and also rendering was laggy if the mouse wasn't moving) that I had to fix, but it seems to be working. Release should be ready soon.

Anyway... thanks a lot!

montoyo commented 5 years ago

Annnd done. MCEF 1.11 released.