montoyo / mcef

Minecraft ChromiumEF (based on JCEF)
191 stars 85 forks source link

Server #62

Closed WhatTheHecht closed 3 years ago

WhatTheHecht commented 3 years ago

Hi, I installed this on my private MC server, and when I go on youtube, it shows one thing for me, and another for my friend. What can I do about this?

Juestan commented 3 years ago

Nothing, mcef uses the player connection to the internet not the server, thats the problem.

montoyo commented 3 years ago

This should be on the WebDisplays repo, but anyway... JeysRT is correct. For more info, read

This is a limit of WebDisplays and will always stay this way. Potential "fixes" for this issue would result into serious security issues or performance issues.