montrealelixir / playbook

Guides and checklist for Montreal Elixir Meet-up
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Meet-up: 2017-04-12 #1

Closed nicholasjhenry closed 7 years ago

nicholasjhenry commented 7 years ago


Minus 2 weeks (03-29)

Minus 1 week (04-05)

On the day (04-12)

The day after the event (04-13)



nicholasjhenry commented 7 years ago


Time Item
18:30 Mingle
A chance to meet and chat with other Elixir enthusiasts before the presentations start. Help yourself to drinks and snacks.
19:00 Welcome to Montreal Elixir by Nicholas Henry
An introduction to the Montreal Elixir Meet-up outlining the vision for the group and how you can contribute.
19:20 Break
19:30 Collections in Elixir presented by Hugo Frappier
Elixir offers many ways to store data in a collection: tuples, lists, keyword lists, maps, and structs. Let's review each of these and discuss their appropriate use cases.
19:50 Break
20:00 OTP, Concurrency and Testing Strategies by Adrián Mugnolo
The goal is to introduce generic servers, then cover testing strategies for starting, stopping, state updates, sync and async requests.
20:20 Open Announcements
Would you like to introduce yourself to the group and what you hope to learn? Are you a company looking to hire an Elixir developer? Please share!
20:30 Finish
This is not a hard stop; please feel free to hang out and chat.
nicholasjhenry commented 7 years ago

@frahugo Can you please review the Meet-up program above please?

frahugo commented 7 years ago

All good.