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Scheduled monthly dependency update for June #79

Closed pyup-bot closed 7 years ago

pyup-bot commented 7 years ago


Here's a list of all the updates bundled in this pull request. I've added some links to make it easier for you to find all the information you need.

Sphinx 1.5.5 » 1.6.2 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
django-allauth 0.31.0 » 0.32.0 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
django-extensions 1.7.8 » 1.7.9 PyPI | Changelog | Repo | Docs
django-phonenumber-field 1.1.0 » 1.3.0 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
django-redis 4.7.0 » 4.8.0 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
django 1.11 » 1.11.1 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
djangorestframework 3.6.2 » 3.6.3 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
ipython 5.3.0 » 6.1.0 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
requests 2.13.0 » 2.17.3 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
twilio 5.7.0 » 6.3.0 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
django-debug-toolbar 1.7 » 1.8 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
yapf 0.16.1 » 0.16.2 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
ipdb 0.10.2 » 0.10.3 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
pytest-cov 2.4.0 » 2.5.1 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
pytest 3.0.7 » 3.1.1 PyPI | Changelog | Repo | Homepage
selenium 3.3.3 » 3.4.3 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
tox 2.6.0 » 2.7.0 PyPI | Changelog | Docs
vcrpy 1.10.5 » 1.11.1 PyPI | Changelog | Repo


Sphinx 1.5.5 -> 1.6.2



Incompatible changes

  • 3789: Do not require typing module for python>=3.5

Bugs fixed

  • 3754: HTML builder crashes if HTML theme appends own stylesheets
  • 3756: epub: Entity 'mdash' not defined
  • 3758: Sphinx crashed if logs are emitted in
  • 3755: incorrectly warns about dedent with literalinclude
  • 3742: RTD <> PDF builds of Sphinx own docs are missing an index entry in the bookmarks and table of contents. This is rtfd/readthedocs.org2857 <> issue, a workaround is obtained using some extra LaTeX code in Sphinx's own
  • 3770: Build fails when a "code-block" has the option emphasize-lines and the number indicated is higher than the number of lines
  • 3774: Incremental HTML building broken when using citations
  • 3772: 'str object' has no attribute 'filename'
  • 3763: got epubcheck validations error if epub_cover is set
  • 3779: 'ImportError' in sphinx.ext.autodoc due to broken 'sys.meta_path'. Thanks to Tatiana Tereshchenko.
  • 3796: env.resolve_references() crashes when non-document node given
  • 3803: Sphinx crashes with invalid PO files
  • 3791: PDF "continued on next page" for long tables isn't internationalized
  • 3788: smartquotes emits warnings for unsupported languages
  • 3807: latex Makefile for make latexpdf is only for unixen
  • 3781: double hyphens in option directive are compiled as endashes
  • 3817: latex builder raises AttributeError





  • LDML format support in i18n feature
  • sphinx.addnodes.termsep
  • Some functions and classes in sphinx.util.pycompat: zip_longest, product, all, any, next, open, class_types, base_exception, relpath, StringIO, BytesIO. Please use the standard library version instead;

If any deprecation warning like RemovedInSphinxXXXWarning are displayed, please refer :ref:when-deprecation-warnings-are-displayed.

Features added


  • 3588: No compact (p tag) html output in the i18n document build even when :confval:html_compact_lists is True.
  • The make latexpdf from 1.6b1 (for GNU/Linux and Mac OS, using latexmk) aborted earlier in case of LaTeX errors than was the case with 1.5 series, due to hard-coded usage of --halt-on-error option. (refs 3695)
  • 3683: sphinx.websupport module is not provided by default
  • 3683: Failed to build document if builder.css_file.insert() is called
  • 3714: viewcode extension not taking highlight_code='none' in account
  • 3698: Moving :doc: to std domain broke backwards compatibility
  • 3633: misdetect unreferenced citations


  • 3662: builder.css_files is deprecated. Please use add_stylesheet() API instead.


  • sphinx.util.compat.Directive class is now deprecated. Please use docutils.parsers.rst.Directive instead.
  • sphinx.util.compat.docutils_version is now deprecated
  • 2367: Sphinx.warn(), and other logging methods are now deprecated. Please use sphinx.util.logging (:ref:logging-api) instead.
  • 3318: notice is now deprecated as LaTeX environment name and will be removed at Sphinx 1.7. Extension authors please use sphinxadmonition instead (as Sphinx does since 1.5.)
  • Sphinx.status_iterator() and Sphinx.old_status_iterator() is now deprecated. Please use sphinx.util:status_iterator() instead.
  • Sphinx._directive_helper() is deprecated. Please use sphinx.util.docutils.directive_helper() instead.
  • BuildEnvironment.set_warnfunc() is now deprecated
  • Following methods of BuildEnvironment is now deprecated.

    • BuildEnvironment.note_toctree()
    • BuildEnvironment.get_toc_for()
    • BuildEnvironment.get_toctree_for()
    • BuildEnvironment.create_index()

    Please use sphinx.environment.adapters modules instead.

  • latex package footnote is not loaded anymore by its bundled replacement footnotehyper-sphinx. The redefined macros keep the same names as in the original package.
  • 3429: deprecate config setting latex_keep_old_macro_names. It will be removed at 1.7, and already its default value has changed from True to False.
  • 3221: epub2 builder is deprecated
  • 3254: sphinx.websupport is now separated into independent package; sphinxcontrib-websupport. sphinx.websupport will be removed in Sphinx-2.0.
  • 3628: sphinx_themes entry_point is deprecated. Please use sphinx.html_themes instead.



Bugs fixed

  • 3614: Sphinx crashes with requests-2.5.0
  • 3618: autodoc crashes with tupled arguments
  • 3664: No space after the bullet in items of a latex list produced by Sphinx
  • 3657: EPUB builder crashes if document startswith genindex exists
  • 3588: No compact (p tag) html output in the i18n document build even when :confval:html_compact_lists is True.
  • 3685: AttributeError when using 3rd party domains
  • 3702: LaTeX writer styles figure legends with a hard-coded \small
  • 3708: LaTeX writer allows irc scheme
  • 3717: Stop enforcing that favicon's must be .ico
  • 3731, 3732: Protect isenumclass predicate against non-class arguments
  • 3320: Warning about reference target not being found for container types
  • Misspelled ARCHIVEPREFIX in Makefile for latex build repertory

django-allauth 0.31.0 -> 0.32.0


Note worthy changes

  • Improved AJAX support: the account management views (change/set password, manage e-mail addresses and social connections) now support AJAX GET requests. These views hand over all the required data for you to build your frontend application upon.

  • New providers: Dwolla, Trello.

  • Shopify: support for per-user access mode.

Backwards incompatible changes

  • In previous versions, the views only responded with JSON responses when issuing AJAX requests of type POST. Now, the views also respond in JSON when making AJAX GET requests.

  • The structure of the response for AJAX requests has changed. Previously, it contained a form_errors key containing all form validation errors, if any. Now, it contains a form key that describes the complete form, including the fields. Field specific errors are placed in form.fields['some_field'].errors, non-field errors in form.errors.

  • The parameters passed to the Facebook JS SDK FB.init() method used to contain cookie, status, and xfbml, all set to true. These parameters are no longer explicitly passed. You can use the newly introduced INIT_PARAMS provider setting to provide your own values.

django-extensions 1.7.8 -> 1.7.9



  • Fix: AutoSlugField, foreignkey relationships
  • Fix: shell_plus, supported backends 'postgresql' for set_application_name
  • Improvement: various commands, Add syntax highlighting when printing SQL
  • Improvement: pipchecker, treat rc versions as unstable
  • Improvement: shell_plus, allow to subclass and overwrite import_objects
  • Improvement: shell_plus, fix SHELL_PLUS_PRE_IMPORTS example
  • Improvement:, fix and unify running tests
  • Improvement: runserver_plus, add RUNSERVERPLUS_POLLER_RELOADER_TYPE setting
  • Improvement: generate_secret_key, use algoritme from django
  • Docs: fix grammer and spelling mistakes

django-phonenumber-field 1.1.0 -> 1.3.0


  • Add rest_framework Serializer
  • Hashable phonenumber object
  • Various bugfixes and improvements


  • Django 1.10 support
  • Bugfixes and cleanup
  • Translations: Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, Norwegian, Dutch, Azerbaijani, Turkish and French

django-redis 4.7.0 -> 4.8.0


Date: 2017-04-25

  • Drop deprecated exception with typo ConnectionInterrumped. Use ConnectionInterrupted instead.
  • Remove many workarounds related to old and not supported versions of django and redis-py.
  • Code cleaning and flake8 compliance fixes.
  • Add better impl for close method.
  • Fix compatibility warnings with python 3.6

django 1.11 -> 1.11.1



May 6, 2017

Django 1.11.1 adds a minor feature and fixes several bugs in 1.11.

Allowed disabling server-side cursors on PostgreSQL

The change in Django 1.11 to make :meth:.QuerySet.iterator() use server-side cursors on PostgreSQL prevents running Django with pgBouncer in transaction pooling mode. To reallow that, use the :setting:DISABLE_SERVER_SIDE_CURSORS <DATABASE-DISABLE_SERVER_SIDE_CURSORS> setting in :setting:DATABASES.

See :ref:transaction-pooling-server-side-cursors for more discussion.


  • Made migrations respect Index’s name argument. If you created a named index with Django 1.11, makemigrations will create a migration to recreate the index with the correct name (:ticket:28051).

  • Fixed a crash when using a __icontains lookup on a ArrayField (:ticket:28038).

  • Fixed a crash when using a two-tuple in EmailMessage’s attachments argument (:ticket:28042).

  • Fixed QuerySet.filter() crash when it references the name of a OneToOneField primary key (:ticket:28047).

  • Fixed empty POST data table appearing instead of "No POST data" in HTML debug page (:ticket:28079).

  • Restored BoundField\s without any choices evaluating to True (:ticket:28058).

  • Prevented SessionBase.cycle_key() from losing session data if _session_cache isn't populated (:ticket:28066).

  • Fixed layout of ReadOnlyPasswordHashWidget (used in the admin's user change page) (:ticket:28097).

  • Allowed prefetch calls on managers with custom ModelIterable subclasses (:ticket:28096).

  • Fixed change password link in the contrib.auth admin for el, es_MX, and pt translations (:ticket:28100).

  • Restored the output of the class attribute in the <ul> of widgets that use the multiple_input.html template. This fixes ModelAdmin.radio_fields with admin.HORIZONTAL (:ticket:28059).

  • Fixed crash in BaseGeometryWidget.subwidgets() (:ticket:28039).

  • Fixed exception reraising in ORM query execution when cursor.execute() fails and the subsequent cursor.close() also fails (:ticket:28091).

  • Fixed a regression where CheckboxSelectMultiple, NullBooleanSelect, RadioSelect, SelectMultiple, and Select localized option values (:ticket:28075).

  • Corrected the stack level of unordered queryset pagination warnings (:ticket:28109).

  • Fixed a regression causing incorrect queries for __in subquery lookups when models use ForeignKey.to_field (:ticket:28101).

  • Fixed crash when overriding the template of django.views.static.directory_index() (:ticket:28122).

  • Fixed a regression in formset min_num validation with unchanged forms that have initial data (:ticket:28130).

  • Prepared for cx_Oracle 6.0 support (:ticket:28138).

  • Updated the contrib.postgres SplitArrayWidget to use template-based widget rendering (:ticket:28040).

  • Fixed crash in BaseGeometryWidget.get_context() when overriding existing attrs (:ticket:28105).

  • Prevented AddIndex and RemoveIndex from mutating model state (:ticket:28043).

  • Prevented migrations from dropping database indexes from Meta.indexes when changing Field.db_index to False (:ticket:28052).

  • Fixed a regression in choice ordering in form fields with grouped and non-grouped options (:ticket:28157).

  • Fixed crash in BaseInlineFormSet._construct_form() when using save_as_new (:ticket:28159).

  • Fixed a regression where Model._state.db wasn't set correctly on multi-table inheritance parent models after saving a child model (:ticket:28166).

  • Corrected the return type of ArrayField(CITextField()) values retrieved from the database (:ticket:28161).

  • Fixed QuerySet.prefetch_related() crash when fetching relations in nested Prefetch objects (:ticket:27554).

  • Prevented hiding GDAL errors if it's not installed when using contrib.gis (:ticket:28160). (It's a required dependency as of Django 1.11.)

  • Fixed a regression causing __in lookups on a foreign key to fail when using the foreign key's parent model as the lookup value (:ticket:28175).


djangorestframework 3.6.2 -> 3.6.3


Date: [12th May 2017][3.6.3-milestone]

  • Raise 404 if a URL lookup results in ValidationError. ([5126][gh5126])
  • Honor http_method_names on class based view, when generating API schemas. ([5085][gh5085])
  • Allow overridden get_limit in LimitOffsetPagination to return all records. ([4437][gh4437])
  • Fix partial update for the ListSerializer. ([4222][gh4222])
  • Render JSONField control correctly in browsable API. ([4999][gh4999], [5042][gh5042])
  • Raise validation errors for invalid datetime in given timezone. ([4987][gh4987])
  • Support restricting doc & schema shortcuts to a subset of urls. ([4979][gh4979])
  • Resolve SchemaGenerator error with paginators that have no page_size attribute. ([5086][gh5086], [3692][gh3692])
  • Resolve HyperlinkedRelatedField exception on string with %20 instead of space. ([4748][gh4748], [5078][gh5078])
  • Customizable schema generator classes. ([5082][gh5082])
  • Update existing vary headers in response instead of overwriting them. ([5047][gh5047])
  • Support passing .as_view() to view instance. ([5053][gh5053])
  • Use correct exception handler when settings overridden on a view. ([5055][gh5055], [5054][gh5054])
  • Update Boolean field to support 'yes' and 'no' values. ([5038][gh5038])
  • Fix unique validator for ChoiceField. ([5004][gh5004], [5026][gh5026], [5028][gh5028])
  • JavaScript cleanups in API Docs. ([5001][gh5001])
  • Include URL path regexs in API schemas where valid. ([5014][gh5014])
  • Correctly set scheme in coreapi TokenAuthentication. ([5000][gh5000], [4994][gh4994])
  • HEAD requests on ViewSets should not return 405. ([4705][gh4705], [4973][gh4973], [4864][gh4864])
  • Support usage of 'source' in extra_kwargs. ([4688][gh4688])
  • Fix invalid content type for schema.js ([4968][gh4968])
  • Fix DjangoFilterBackend inheritance issues. ([5089][gh5089], [5117][gh5117])

ipython 5.3.0 -> 6.1.0







rel-3.0.0 See the release notes for what's new.

or get it with pip:

pip install --upgrade "ipython[all]"

DO NOT download from the "Source code" links below. They are missing git submodules, and won't work.


rel-2.1.0 bugfix release for IPython 2.0. See the list of backported fixes.

rel-1.2.1 Bugfix release for Python 2.6 and 3.4.

What's new in 1.2

rel-1.2.0 IPython 1.2.0 mostly bugfix release

For release notes, see what's new.


requests 2.13.0 -> 2.17.3




  • Improved packages namespace identity support, for monkeypatching libraries.




  • Improved packages namespace identity support, for monkeypatching libraries.




  • Improved packages namespace identity support, for monkeypatching libraries.




  • Removal of the 301 redirect cache. This improves thread-safety.



  • Improvements to $ python -m



  • Introduction of the $ python -m command, for debugging with maintainers!



  • Further restored the requests.packages namespace for compatibility reasons.



  • Further restored the requests.packages namespace for compatibility reasons.

No code modification (noted below) should be neccessary any longer.



  • Restored the requests.packages namespace for compatibility reasons.
  • Bugfix for urllib3 version parsing.

Note: code that was written to import against the requests.packages namespace previously will have to import code that rests at this module-level now.

For example::

from requests.packages.urllib3.poolmanager import PoolManager

Will need to be re-written to be::

from requests.packages import urllib3 urllib3.poolmanager.PoolManager

Or, even better::

from urllib3.poolmanager import PoolManager



  • Unvendor ALL the things!



  • Everyone makes mistakes.




  • Introduction of the property, for getting the next PreparedResponse from a redirect chain (when allow_redirects=False).
  • Internal refactoring of __version__ module.


  • Restored once-optional parameter for requests.utils.get_environ_proxies().




  • Changed a less-than to an equal-to and an or in the dependency markers to widen compatibility with older setuptools releases.




  • Changed the dependency markers to widen compatibility with older pip releases.




  • It is now possible to pass no_proxy as a key to the proxies dictionary to provide handling similar to the NO_PROXY environment variable.
  • When users provide invalid paths to certificate bundle files or directories Requests now raises IOError, rather than failing at the time of the HTTPS request with a fairly inscrutable certificate validation error.
  • The behavior of SessionRedirectMixin was slightly altered. resolve_redirects will now detect a redirect by calling get_redirect_target(response) instead of directly querying Response.is_redirect and Response.headers['location']. Advanced users will be able to process malformed redirects more easily.
  • Changed the internal calculation of elapsed request time to have higher resolution on Windows.
  • Added win_inet_pton as conditional dependency for the [socks] extra on Windows with Python 2.7.
  • Changed the proxy bypass implementation on Windows: the proxy bypass check doesn't use forward and reverse DNS requests anymore
  • URLs with schemes that begin with http but are not http or https no longer have their host parts forced to lowercase.


  • Much improved handling of non-ASCII Location header values in redirects. Fewer UnicodeDecodeErrors are encountered on Python 2, and Python 3 now correctly understands that Latin-1 is unlikely to be the correct encoding.
  • If an attempt to seek file to find out its length fails, we now appropriately handle that by aborting our content-length calculations.
  • Restricted HTTPDigestAuth to only respond to auth challenges made on 4XX responses, rather than to all auth challenges.
  • Fixed some code that was firing DeprecationWarning on Python 3.6.
  • The dismayed person emoticon (/o\\) no longer has a big head. I'm sure this is what you were all worrying about most.


  • Updated bundled urllib3 to v1.21.1.
  • Updated bundled chardet to v3.0.2.
  • Updated bundled idna to v2.5.
  • Updated bundled certifi to 2017.4.17.

twilio 5.7.0 -> 6.3.0


  • Rename RoomList to RoomRecordingsList.


  • Add video domain.
  • Update usage record categories.
  • Add get_page method for reentrant paging.


  • Allow *kwargs in TwiML Gather


  • Add Task verb to VoiceResponse
  • Add Echo verb to VoiceResponse
  • Add Sim verb to VoiceResponse


  • Add v2 of
  • Add recording_channels parameter to Participant create and update.
  • Add recording_status_callback parameter to Participant create and update.
  • Add recording_status_callback_method parameter to Participant create and update.
  • Add sip_auth_username parameter to Participant create and update.
  • Add region parameter to Participant create and update.
  • Add conference_recording_status_callback parameter to Participant create and update.
  • Add conference_recording_status_callback_method parameter to Participant create and update.
  • Add validity_period parameter to Messages.


New Major Version

The newest version of the twilio-python helper library!

This version brings a host of changes to update and modernize the twilio-python helper library. It is auto-generated to produce a more consistent and correct product.

django-debug-toolbar 1.7 -> 1.8


This version is compatible with Django 1.11 and requires Django 1.8 or later.


* New decorator ``debug_toolbar.decorators.require_show_toolbar`` prevents
 unauthorized access to decorated views by checking ``SHOW_TOOLBAR_CALLBACK``
 every request. Unauthorized access results in a 404.
* The ``SKIP_TEMPLATE_PREFIXES`` setting allows skipping templates in
 the templates panel. Template-based form widgets' templates are
 skipped by default to avoid panel sizes going into hundreds of
 megabytes of HTML.

  • All views are now decorated with debug_toolbar.decorators.require_show_toolbar preventing unauthorized access.
  • The templates panel now reuses contexts' pretty printed version which makes the debug toolbar usable again with Django 1.11's template-based forms rendering.
  • Long SQL statements are now forcibly wrapped to fit on the screen.

yapf 0.16.1 -> 0.16.2



  • Treat expansion operators ('*', '**') in a similar way to function calls to avoid splitting directly after the opening parenthesis.
  • Increase the penalty for splitting after the start of a tuple.
  • Increase penalty for excess characters.
  • Check that we have enough children before trying to access them all.
  • Remove trailing whitespaces from comments.
  • Split before a function call in a list if the full list isn't able to fit on a single line.
  • Trying not to split around the '=' of a named assign.
  • Changed split before the first argument behavior to ignore compound statements like if and while, but not function declarations.
  • Changed coalesce brackets not to line split before closing bracket.

ipdb 0.10.2 -> 0.10.3


  • For users using python 2.6, do not install IPython >= 2.0.0. And for users using python 2.7, do not install IPython >= 6.0.0. [vphilippon]
  • Drop support for python 3.2. [vphilippon]
  • Command line usage consistent with pdb - Add argument commands [zvodd]

pytest-cov 2.4.0 -> 2.5.1


  • Fixed xdist breakage (regression in 2.5.0). Fixes 157 <>_.
  • Allow setting custom data_file name in .coveragerc. Fixes 145 <>. Contributed by Jannis Leidel & Ionel Cristian Mărieș in 156 <>.


  • Always show a summary when --cov-fail-under is used. Contributed by Francis Niu in PR141 <>_.
  • Added --cov-branch option. Fixes 85 <>_.
  • Improve exception handling in subprocess setup. Fixes 144 <>_.
  • Fixed handling when --cov is used multiple times. Fixes 151 <>_.

pytest 3.0.7 -> 3.1.1



Bug Fixes

  • pytest warning capture no longer overrides existing warning filters. The previous behaviour would override all filters and caused regressions in test suites which configure warning filters to match their needs. Note that as a side-effect of this is that DeprecationWarning and PendingDeprecationWarning are no longer shown by default. (2430)

  • Fix issue with non-ascii contents in doctest text files. (2434)

  • Fix encoding errors for unicode warnings in Python 2. (2436)

  • pytest.deprecated_call now captures PendingDeprecationWarning in context manager form. (2441)

Improved Documentation

  • Addition of towncrier for changelog management. (2390)



New Features

  • The pytest-warnings plugin has been integrated into the core and now pytest automatically captures and displays warnings at the end of the test session.

    .. warning::

    This feature may disrupt test suites which apply and treat warnings themselves, and can be disabled in your pytest.ini:

    .. code-block:: ini

    [pytest] addopts = -p no:warnings

    See the warnings documentation page <>_ for more information.

    Thanks nicoddemus_ for the PR.

  • Added junit_suite_name ini option to specify root <testsuite> name for JUnit XML reports (533_).

  • Added an ini option doctest_encoding to specify which encoding to use for doctest files. Thanks wheerd for the PR (2101).

  • pytest.warns now checks for subclass relationship rather than class equality. Thanks lesteve for the PR (2166)

  • pytest.raises now asserts that the error message matches a text or regex with the match keyword argument. Thanks Kriechi_ for the PR.

  • pytest.param can be used to declare test parameter sets with marks and test ids. Thanks RonnyPfannschmidt_ for the PR.


  • remove all internal uses of pytestnamespace hooks, this is to prepare the removal of preloadconfig in pytest 4.0 Thanks to RonnyPfannschmidt for the PR.

  • pytest now warns when a callable ids raises in a parametrized test. Thanks fogo_ for the PR.

  • It is now possible to skip test classes from being collected by setting a __test__ attribute to False in the class body (2007). Thanks to syre for the report and lwm_ for the PR.

  • Change to produce reports that comply with Junitxml schema. If the same test fails with failure in call and then errors in teardown we split testcase element into two, one containing the error and the other the failure. (2228) Thanks to kkoukiou for the PR.

  • Testcase reports with a url attribute will now properly write this to junitxml. Thanks fushi for the PR (1874).

  • Remove common items from dict comparision output when verbosity=1. Also update the truncation message to make it clearer that pytest truncates all assertion messages if verbosity < 2 (1512). Thanks mattduck for the PR

  • --pdbcls no longer implies --pdb. This makes it possible to use addopts=--pdbcls=module.SomeClass on pytest.ini. Thanks davidszotten for the PR (1952).

  • fix 2013_: turn RecordedWarning into namedtuple, to give it a comprehensible repr while preventing unwarranted modification.

  • fix 2208_: ensure a iteration limit for _pytest.compat.get_realfunc. Thanks RonnyPfannschmidt for the report and PR.

  • Hooks are now verified after collection is complete, rather than right after loading installed plugins. This makes it easy to write hooks for plugins which will be loaded during collection, for example using the pytest_plugins special variable (1821). Thanks nicoddemus for the PR.

  • Modify pytest_make_parametrize_id() hook to accept argname as an additional parameter. Thanks unsignedint_ for the PR.

  • Add venv to the default norecursedirs setting. Thanks The-Compiler_ for the PR.

  • PluginManager.import_plugin now accepts unicode plugin names in Python 2. Thanks reutsharabani_ for the PR.

  • fix 2308: When using both --lf and --ff, only the last failed tests are run. Thanks ojii for the PR.

  • Replace minor/patch level version numbers in the documentation with placeholders. This significantly reduces change-noise as different contributors regnerate the documentation on different platforms. Thanks RonnyPfannschmidt_ for the PR.

  • fix 2391_: consider pytestplugins on all plugin modules Thanks RonnyPfannschmidt for the PR.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix AttributeError on sys.stdout.buffer / sys.stderr.buffer while using capsys fixture in python 3. (1407). Thanks to asottile.

  • Change's DontReadFromInput class to throw io.UnsupportedOperation errors rather than ValueErrors in the fileno method (2276). Thanks metasyn and vlad-dragos_ for the PR.

  • Fix exception formatting while importing modules when the exception message contains non-ascii characters (2336). Thanks fabioz for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.

  • Added documentation related to issue (1937) Thanks skylarjhdownes for the PR.

  • Allow collecting files with any file extension as Python modules (2369). Thanks Kodiologist for the PR.

  • Show the correct error message when collect "parametrize" func with wrong args (2383). Thanks The-Compiler for the report and robin0371_ for the PR.

.. _davidszotten: .. _fabioz: .. _fogo: .. _fushi: .. _Kodiologist: .. _Kriechi: .. _mandeep: .. _mattduck: .. _metasyn: .. _MichalTHEDUDE: .. _ojii: .. _reutsharabani: .. _robin0371: .. _skylarjhdownes: .. _unsignedint: .. _wheerd:

.. _1407: .. _1512: .. _1821: .. _1874: .. _1937: .. _1952: .. _2007: .. _2013: .. _2101: .. _2166: .. _2208: .. _2228: .. _2276: .. _2308: .. _2336: .. _2369: .. _2383: .. _2391: .. _533:

selenium 3.3.3 -> 3.4.3


  • Fix EventFiringWebdriver and WebElement to raise AttributeError on missing attributes. (4107)
  • unwrap WebElements inside dicts


  • translate move_by_offset command to w3c
  • Update capabilities properly instead of assuming dict structure. Fixes 3927
  • Add missing file for Chrome options to API docs.
  • Add Chrome options module to API docs.


  • Add back the ability to set profile when using Firefox 45ESR. Fixes 3897


  • Correct usage of newSession around firstMatch and alwaysMatch
  • Remove superfluous capabilities that are not needed
  • Add expected condition that waits for all found elements to be visible (3532)
  • Allow methods wrapped by EventFiringWebDriver and EventFiringWebElement (806)
  • Dropping javascriptEnabled capability for real browsers
  • Use W3C check from parent object instead of assuming from capabilities
  • Bump example source distribution to match latest release.
  • Replace TypeError with KeyError in remote webdriver error handler code (3826)
  • When testing Marionette use default capabilities in testing
  • Conform to the api of urllib2 for adding header for a request (3803)
  • Add text key to alertsendKeys parameters for W3C Endpoint
  • Location once scrolled into view should use W3C executeScript endpoint not JSONWP
  • Fixed the usage information in documentation of "save_screenshot". (3804)
  • Add Element Not Interactable exception
  • Clean up imports in error handler
  • flake8 cleanup

tox 2.6.0 -> 2.7.0


  • p450: Stop after the first installdeps and first testenv create hooks succeed. This changes the default behaviour of tox_testenv_create and tox_testenv_install_deps to not execute other registered hooks when the first hook returns a result that is not None. Thanks Anthony Sottile (asottile).

  • 271 and 464: Improve environment information for users.

    New command line parameter: -a show all defined environments - not just the ones defined in (or generated from) envlist.

    New verbosity settings for -l and -a: show user defined descriptions of the environments. This also works for generated environments from factors by concatenating factor descriptions into a complete description.

    Note that for backwards compatibility with scripts using the output of -l it's output remains unchanged.

    Thanks Gábor Bernát (gaborbernat).

  • 464: Fix incorrect egg-info location for modified package_dir in Thanks Selim Belhaouane (selimb).

  • 431: Add 'LANGUAGE' to default passed environment variables. Thanks Paweł Adamczak (pawalad).

  • 455: Add a Vagrantfile with a customized Arch Linux box for local testing. Thanks Oliver Bestwalter (obestwalter).

  • 454: Revert 407, empty commands is not treated as an error. Thanks Anthony Sottile (asottile).

  • 446: (infrastructure) Travis CI tests for tox now also run on OS X now. Thanks Jason R. Coombs (jaraco).

vcrpy 1.10.5 -> 1.11.1


  • 1.11.0 Allow injection of persistence methods + bugfixes (thanks j-funk and IvanMalison), Support python 3.6 + CI tests (thanks derekbekoe and graingert), Support pytest-asyncio coroutines (thanks graingert)
  • 1.10.5 Added a fix to httplib2 (thanks carlosds730), Fix an issue with aiohttp (thanks madninja), Add missing requirement yarl (thanks lamenezes), Remove duplicate mock triple (thanks FooBarQuaxx)
  • 1.10.4 Fix an issue with asyncio aiohttp (thanks madninja)
  • 1.10.3 Fix some issues with asyncio and params (thanks anovikov1984 and lamenezes), Fix some issues with cassette serialize / deserialize and empty response bodies (thanks gRoussac and dz0ny)

That's it for now!

Happy merging! 🤖

pyup-bot commented 7 years ago

Closing this in favor of #80