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Scheduled monthly dependency update for September #83

Closed pyup-bot closed 6 years ago

pyup-bot commented 7 years ago


Here's a list of all the updates bundled in this pull request. I've added some links to make it easier for you to find all the information you need.

Sphinx 1.5.5 » 1.6.3 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
sphinx-autobuild 0.6.0 » 0.7.1 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
django-allauth 0.32.0 » 0.33.0 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
django-extensions 1.8.1 » 1.9.0 PyPI | Changelog | Repo | Docs
djangorestframework 3.6.3 » 3.6.4 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
psycopg2 2.7.3 » PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
redis 2.10.5 » 2.10.6 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
requests 2.18.3 » 2.18.4 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
twilio 6.0.0 » 6.5.2 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
yapf 0.16.3 » 0.17.0 PyPI | Changelog
pytest-html 1.15.1 » 1.15.2 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
pytest 3.2.0 » 3.2.1 PyPI | Changelog | Repo | Homepage
selenium 3.4.3 » 3.5.0 PyPI | Changelog | Repo


Sphinx 1.5.5 -> 1.6.3



Features added

  • latex: hint that code-block continues on next page (refs: 3764, 3792)

Bugs fixed

  • 3821: Failed to import sphinx.util.compat with docutils-0.14rc1
  • 3829: sphinx-quickstart template is incomplete regarding use of alabaster
  • 3772: 'str object' has no attribute 'filename'
  • Emit wrong warnings if citation label includes hyphens (refs: 3565)
  • 3858: Some warnings are not colored when using --color option
  • 3775: Remove unwanted whitespace in default template
  • 3835: sphinx.ext.imgmath fails to convert SVG images if project directory name contains spaces
  • 3850: Fix color handling in make mode's help command
  • 3865: use of self.env.warn in sphinx extension fails
  • 3824: production lists apply smart quotes transform since Sphinx 1.6.1
  • latex: fix \sphinxbfcode swallows initial space of argument
  • 3878: Quotes in auto-documented class attributes should be straight quotes in PDF output
  • 3881: LaTeX figure floated to next page sometimes leaves extra vertical whitespace
  • 3885: duplicated footnotes raises IndexError
  • 3873: Failure of deprecation warning mechanism of sphinx.util.compat.Directive
  • 3874: Bogus warnings for "citation not referenced" for cross-file citations
  • 3860: Don't download images when builders not supported images
  • 3860: Remote image URIs without filename break builders not supported remote images
  • 3833: command line messages are translated unintentionally with language setting.
  • 3840: make checking epub_uid strict
  • 3851, 3706: Fix about box drawing characters for PDF output
  • 3900: autosummary could not find methods
  • 3902: Emit error if latex_documents contains non-unicode string in py2



Incompatible changes

  • 3789: Do not require typing module for python>=3.5

Bugs fixed

  • 3754: HTML builder crashes if HTML theme appends own stylesheets
  • 3756: epub: Entity 'mdash' not defined
  • 3758: Sphinx crashed if logs are emitted in
  • 3755: incorrectly warns about dedent with literalinclude
  • 3742: RTD <> PDF builds of Sphinx own docs are missing an index entry in the bookmarks and table of contents. This is rtfd/readthedocs.org2857 <> issue, a workaround is obtained using some extra LaTeX code in Sphinx's own
  • 3770: Build fails when a "code-block" has the option emphasize-lines and the number indicated is higher than the number of lines
  • 3774: Incremental HTML building broken when using citations
  • 3763: got epubcheck validations error if epub_cover is set
  • 3779: 'ImportError' in sphinx.ext.autodoc due to broken 'sys.meta_path'. Thanks to Tatiana Tereshchenko.
  • 3796: env.resolve_references() crashes when non-document node given
  • 3803: Sphinx crashes with invalid PO files
  • 3791: PDF "continued on next page" for long tables isn't internationalized
  • 3788: smartquotes emits warnings for unsupported languages
  • 3807: latex Makefile for make latexpdf is only for unixen
  • 3781: double hyphens in option directive are compiled as endashes
  • 3817: latex builder raises AttributeError





  • LDML format support in i18n feature
  • sphinx.addnodes.termsep
  • Some functions and classes in sphinx.util.pycompat: zip_longest, product, all, any, next, open, class_types, base_exception, relpath, StringIO, BytesIO. Please use the standard library version instead;

If any deprecation warning like RemovedInSphinxXXXWarning are displayed, please refer :ref:when-deprecation-warnings-are-displayed.

Features added


  • 3588: No compact (p tag) html output in the i18n document build even when :confval:html_compact_lists is True.
  • The make latexpdf from 1.6b1 (for GNU/Linux and Mac OS, using latexmk) aborted earlier in case of LaTeX errors than was the case with 1.5 series, due to hard-coded usage of --halt-on-error option. (refs 3695)
  • 3683: sphinx.websupport module is not provided by default
  • 3683: Failed to build document if builder.css_file.insert() is called
  • 3714: viewcode extension not taking highlight_code='none' in account
  • 3698: Moving :doc: to std domain broke backwards compatibility
  • 3633: misdetect unreferenced citations


  • 3662: builder.css_files is deprecated. Please use add_stylesheet() API instead.


  • sphinx.util.compat.Directive class is now deprecated. Please use instead docutils.parsers.rst.Directive
  • sphinx.util.compat.docutils_version is now deprecated
  • 2367: Sphinx.warn(), and other logging methods are now deprecated. Please use sphinx.util.logging (:ref:logging-api) instead.
  • 3318: notice is now deprecated as LaTeX environment name and will be removed at Sphinx 1.7. Extension authors please use sphinxadmonition instead (as Sphinx does since 1.5.)
  • Sphinx.status_iterator() and Sphinx.old_status_iterator() is now deprecated. Please use sphinx.util:status_iterator() instead.
  • Sphinx._directive_helper() is deprecated. Please use sphinx.util.docutils.directive_helper() instead.
  • BuildEnvironment.set_warnfunc() is now deprecated
  • Following methods of BuildEnvironment is now deprecated.

    • BuildEnvironment.note_toctree()
    • BuildEnvironment.get_toc_for()
    • BuildEnvironment.get_toctree_for()
    • BuildEnvironment.create_index()

    Please use sphinx.environment.adapters modules instead.

  • latex package footnote is not loaded anymore by its bundled replacement footnotehyper-sphinx. The redefined macros keep the same names as in the original package.
  • 3429: deprecate config setting latex_keep_old_macro_names. It will be removed at 1.7, and already its default value has changed from True to False.
  • 3221: epub2 builder is deprecated
  • 3254: sphinx.websupport is now separated into independent package; sphinxcontrib-websupport. sphinx.websupport will be removed in Sphinx-2.0.
  • 3628: sphinx_themes entry_point is deprecated. Please use sphinx.html_themes instead.



Bugs fixed

  • 3614: Sphinx crashes with requests-2.5.0
  • 3618: autodoc crashes with tupled arguments
  • 3664: No space after the bullet in items of a latex list produced by Sphinx
  • 3657: EPUB builder crashes if document startswith genindex exists
  • 3588: No compact (p tag) html output in the i18n document build even when :confval:html_compact_lists is True.
  • 3685: AttributeError when using 3rd party domains
  • 3702: LaTeX writer styles figure legends with a hard-coded \small
  • 3708: LaTeX writer allows irc scheme
  • 3717: Stop enforcing that favicon's must be .ico
  • 3731, 3732: Protect isenumclass predicate against non-class arguments
  • 3320: Warning about reference target not being found for container types
  • Misspelled ARCHIVEPREFIX in Makefile for latex build repertory

sphinx-autobuild 0.6.0 -> 0.7.1


  • Remove spurious virtualenv directory from published packages.


  • Add support for python 3.5, 3.6 and deprecate official python 2.6 support.
  • Add __main__ module for python 3.
  • Add a --version argument.

django-allauth 0.32.0 -> 0.33.0


Note worthy changes

  • Security: password reset tokens are now prevented from being leaked through the password reset URL.

  • New providers: Patreon, Authentiq, Dataporten.

  • Dropbox has been upgraded to API V2.

  • New translation: Norwegian.

Backwards incompatible changes

  • Dropped support for Django 1.9.

django-extensions 1.8.1 -> 1.9.0


The change to --no-startup/--use-pythonrc in shell_plus changes the default behaviour to automatically load PYTHONSTARTUP and ~/ unless --no-startup is set.


  • Fix: pipchecker, fix up-to-date check for Github sha commits
  • Fix: JSONField, fix handling to_python() for strings with tests
  • Fix: print_settings, fix print_settings to receive positional args
  • Improvement: shell_plus, update PYTHONSTARTUP / pythonrc handling to match Django
  • Improvement: shell_plus, added new 1.11 features from django.db.models to shell_plus import list
  • Improvement: runserver_plus, startup message now accounts for https
  • Docs: jobs, improve documentation about jobs scheduling
  • Docs: admin, add documentation for ForeignKeyAutocompleteStackedInline and ForeignKeyAutocompleteTabularInline
  • Docs: fix typos

djangorestframework 3.6.3 -> 3.6.4


Date: [21st August 2017][3.6.4-milestone]

  • Ignore any invalidly formed query parameters for OrderingFilter. [5131][gh5131]
  • Improve memory footprint when reading large JSON requests. [5147][gh5147]
  • Fix schema generation for pagination. [5161][gh5161]
  • Fix exception when HTML_CUTOFF is set to None. [5174][gh5174]
  • Fix browsable API not supporting multipart/form-data correctly. [5176][gh5176]
  • Fixed test_hyperlinked_related_lookup_url_encoded_exists. [5179][gh5179]
  • Make sure max_length is in FileField kwargs. [5186][gh5186]
  • Fix list_route & detail_route with kwargs contains curly bracket in url_path [5187][gh5187]
  • Add Django manage command to create a DRF user Token. [5188][gh5188]
  • Ensure API documentation templates do not check for user authentication [5162][gh5162]
  • Fix special case where OneToOneField is also primary key. [5192][gh5192]
  • Added aria-label and a new region for accessibility purposes in base.html [5196][gh5196]
  • Quote nested API parameters in api.js. [5214][gh5214]
  • Set ViewSet args/kwargs/request before dispatch. [5229][gh5229]
  • Added unicode support to SlugField. [5231][gh5231]
  • Fix HiddenField appears in Raw Data form initial content. [5259][gh5259]
  • Raise validation error on invalid timezone parsing. [5261][gh5261]
  • Fix SearchFilter to-many behavior/performance. [5264][gh5264]
  • Simplified chained comparisons and minor code fixes. [5276][gh5276]
  • RemoteUserAuthentication, docs, and tests. [5306][gh5306]
  • Revert "Cached the field's root and context property" [5313][gh5313]
  • Fix introspection of list field in schema. [5326][gh5326]
  • Fix interactive docs for multiple nested and extra methods. [5334][gh5334]
  • Fix/remove undefined template var "schema" [5346][gh5346]

psycopg2 2.7.3 ->


  • Dropped libresolv from wheel package to avoid incompatibility with glibc 2.26 (wheels ticket 2)

redis 2.10.5 -> 2.10.6


  • Various performance improvements. Thanks cjsimpson
  • Fixed a bug with SRANDMEMBER where
  • Added HSTRLEN command. Thanks Alexander Putilin
  • Added the TOUCH command. Thanks Anis Jonischkeit
  • Remove unnecessary calls to the server when registering Lua scripts. Thanks Ben Greenberg
  • SET's EX and PX arguments now allow values of zero. Thanks huangqiyin
  • Added PUBSUB {CHANNELS, NUMPAT, NUMSUB} commands. Thanks Angus Pearson
  • PubSub connections that that encounter InterruptedErrors now retry automatically. Thanks Carlton Gibson and Seth M. Larson
  • LPUSH and RPUSH commands run on PyPy now correctly returns the number of items of the list. Thanks Jeong YunWon
  • Added support to automatically retry socket EINTR errors. Thanks Thomas Steinacher
  • PubSubWorker threads started with run_in_thread are now daemonized so the thread shuts down when the running process goes away. Thanks Keith Ainsworth
  • Added support for GEO commands. Thanks Pau Freixes, Alex DeBrie and Abraham Toriz
  • Made client construction from URLs smarter. Thanks Tim Savage
  • Added support for CLUSTER * commands. Thanks Andy Huang
  • The RESTORE command now accepts an optional replace boolean. Thanks Yoshinari Takaoka
  • Attempt to connect to a new Sentinel if a TimeoutError occurs. Thanks Bo Lopker
  • Fixed a bug in the client's __getitem__ where a KeyError would be raised if the value returned by the server is an empty string. Thanks Javier Candeira.
  • Socket timeouts when connecting to a server are now properly raised as TimeoutErrors.

requests 2.18.3 -> 2.18.4




  • Error messages for invalid headers now include the header name for easier debugging


  • We now support idna v2.6.

twilio 6.0.0 -> 6.5.2



  • Add VoiceReceiveMode {'voice', 'fax'} option to IncomingPhoneNumber UPDATE requests


  • Add channel message media information
  • Add service instance message media information


  • Removed 'email' from bulk_exports configuration api [bi]. No migration plan needed because api has not been used yet.
  • Add AvailableNumbers resource.
  • Add DeployedDevices.


  • Add support for Service Instance unique names


Fixed PyJWT >= 1.5.1 exception


  • Add New wireless usage keys added
  • Add auto_correct_address param for Addresses create and update
  • Add ChatGrant grant and deprecate IpMessagingGrant


  • Add video_codec enum and video_codecs parameter, which can be set to either VP8 or H264 during room creation.
  • Restrict recordings page size to 100


This release adds Beta and Preview products to main artifact.

Previously, Beta and Preview products were only included in the alpha artifact. They are now being included in the main artifact to ease product discoverability and the collective operational overhead of maintaining multiple artifacts per library.


  • Remove unused encryption_type property on Recordings (breaking change)
  • Update status enum for Messages to include 'accepted'


  • Fix incorrectly typed capabilities property for PhoneNumbers.


  • Add ToBinding optional parameter on Notifications resource creation. Accepted values are json strings.


  • Add sms_application_sid to HostedNumberOrders.


  • Fully support conference functionality in reservations.



  • Update AnnounceMethod parameter naming for consistency


  • Add ToBinding optional parameter on Notifications resource creation. Accepted values are json strings.


  • Add verification_attempts to HostedNumberOrders.
  • Add status_callback_url and status_callback_method to HostedNumberOrders.


  • Filter recordings by date using the parameters DateCreatedAfter and DateCreatedBefore.
  • Override the default time-to-live of a recording's media URL through the Ttl parameter (in seconds, default value is 3600).
  • Add query parameters SourceSid, Status, DateCreatedAfter and DateCreatedBefore to the convenience method for retrieving Room recordings.


  • Added national and international data limits to the RatePlans resource.


  • Pin PyJWT to below version 1.5.1 to fix broken build.
  • Fix json load error for python 3.3 - 3.5


  • Add several missing <Gather> attributes.
    • partial_result_callback
    • partial_result_callback_method
    • language
    • hints
    • barge_in
    • acknowledge_sound_url
    • input
  • Remove client-side max page size validation.
  • Support announce_url and announce_url_method on Conference Participants.
  • TwiML docstring corrections.


  • Remove support for Python 2.6.
  • Add locality field to AvailablePhoneNumbers.
  • Add origin field to IncomingPhoneNumbers.
  • Add in_locality parameter to AvailablePhoneNumbers.
  • Add origin parameter to IncomingPhoneNumbers.
  • Add new sync categories to UsageRecords.
  • Support unicode in validation_client.
  • Add muted parameter to <Conference> Twiml.


  • Rename RoomList to RoomRecordingsList.


  • Add video domain.
  • Update usage record categories.
  • Add get_page method for reentrant paging.


  • Allow *kwargs in TwiML Gather


  • Add Task verb to VoiceResponse
  • Add Echo verb to VoiceResponse
  • Add Sim verb to VoiceResponse


  • Add v2 of
  • Add recording_channels parameter to Participant create and update.
  • Add recording_status_callback parameter to Participant create and update.
  • Add recording_status_callback_method parameter to Participant create and update.
  • Add sip_auth_username parameter to Participant create and update.
  • Add region parameter to Participant create and update.
  • Add conference_recording_status_callback parameter to Participant create and update.
  • Add conference_recording_status_callback_method parameter to Participant create and update.
  • Add validity_period parameter to Messages.

yapf 0.16.3 -> 0.17.0



  • Option NO_SPACES_AROUND_SELECTED_BINARY_OPERATORS prevents adding spaces around selected binary operators, in accordance with the current style guide. Changed
  • Adjust blank lines on formatting boundaries when using the --lines option.
  • Return 1 if a diff changed the code. This is in line with how GNU diff acts. Fixed
  • Fix return value to return a boolean.
  • Correct vim plugin not to clobber edited code if yapf returns an error.
  • Ensured comma-terminated tuples with multiple elements are split onto separate lines.

pytest-html 1.15.1 -> 1.15.2


  • Always decode byte string in extra text

    • Thanks to ch-t <>_ for reporting the issue and providing a fix

pytest 3.2.0 -> 3.2.1



Bug Fixes

  • Fixed small terminal glitch when collecting a single test item. (2579 <>_)

  • Correctly consider / as the file separator to automatically mark plugin files for rewrite on Windows. (2591 < dev/pytest/issues/2591>_)

  • Properly escape test names when setting PYTEST_CURRENT_TEST environment variable. (2644 <>_)

  • Fix error on Windows and Python 3.6+ when sys.stdout has been replaced with a stream-like object which does not implement the full io module buffer protocol. In particular this affects pytest-xdist users on the aforementioned platform. (2666 < dev/pytest/issues/2666>_)

Improved Documentation

  • Explicitly document which pytest features work with unittest. (2626 <>_)

selenium 3.4.3 -> 3.5.0


  • Numerous test fixes *Iterate over capabilities in a way to support py2.7 and py3
  • Fix W3C switching to window by name.
  • Support GeckoDriver addon install/uninstall commands 4215.
  • Move firefox_profile into moz:firefoxOptions.
  • Filter non-W3C capability names out of alwaysMatch.
  • Honor cmd line args passed to Service ctor (4167)
  • Add expected conditions based on URL to Python Expected Conditions 4160
  • Add network emulation to Chrome Python bindings (4011)
  • add warning when saving incorrectly named screenshot (4141)

That's it for now!

Happy merging! 🤖

pyup-bot commented 6 years ago

Closing this in favor of #85