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sms for your church
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Scheduled monthly dependency update for November #86

Closed pyup-bot closed 6 years ago

pyup-bot commented 6 years ago


Here's a list of all the updates bundled in this pull request. I've added some links to make it easier for you to find all the information you need.

Sphinx 1.5.5 » 1.6.5 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
sphinx-autobuild 0.6.0 » 0.7.1 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
django-allauth 0.33.0 » 0.34.0 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
django-extensions 1.9.1 » 1.9.7 PyPI | Changelog | Repo | Docs
django-q 0.8.0 » 0.8.1 PyPI | Docs
django 1.11.5 » 1.11.6 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
djangorestframework 3.6.4 » 3.7.1 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
ipython 6.2.0 » 6.2.1 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
opbeat 3.5.2 » 3.5.3 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
psycopg2 » PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
twilio 6.0.0 » 6.8.2 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
fakeredis 0.8.2 » 0.9.0 PyPI | Repo
yapf 0.18.0 » 0.19.0 PyPI | Changelog
pytest 3.2.2 » 3.2.3 PyPI | Changelog | Repo | Homepage
tox 2.8.2 » 2.9.1 PyPI | Changelog | Docs


Sphinx 1.5.5 -> 1.6.5



Features added

  • 4107: Make searchtools.js compatible with pre-Sphinx1.5 templates
  • 4112: Don't override the smart_quotes setting if it was already set
  • 4125: Display reference texts of original and translated passages on i18n warning message
  • 4147: Include the exception when logging PO/MO file read/write

Bugs fixed

  • 4085: Failed PDF build from image in parsed-literal using :align: option
  • 4100: Remove debug print from autodoc extension
  • 3987: Changing theme from alabaster causes HTML build to fail
  • 4096: C++, don't crash when using the wrong role type. Thanks to mitya57.
  • 4070, 4111: crashes when the warning message contains format strings (again)
  • 4108: Search word highlighting breaks SVG images
  • 3692: Unable to build HTML if writing .buildinfo failed
  • 4152: HTML writer crashes if a field list is placed on top of the document
  • 4063: Sphinx crashes when labeling directive .. todolist::
  • 4134: [doc] :file:docutils.conf is not documented explicitly
  • 4169: Chinese language doesn't trigger Chinese search automatically
  • 1020: ext.todo todolist not linking to the page in pdflatex
  • 3965: New quickstart generates wrong SPHINXBUILD in Makefile
  • 3739: :module: option is ignored at content of pyobjects
  • 4149: Documentation: Help choosing :confval:latex_engine
  • 4090: [doc] :confval:latex_additional_files with extra LaTeX macros should not use .tex extension
  • Failed to convert reST parser error to warning (refs: 4132)



Features added

  • 3926: Add autodoc_warningiserror to suppress the behavior of -W option during importing target modules on autodoc

Bugs fixed

  • 3924: docname lost after dynamically parsing RST in extension
  • 3946: Typo in sphinx.sty (this was a bug with no effect in default context)
  • :pep: and :rfc: does not supports default-role directive (refs: 3960)
  • 3960: default_role = 'guilabel' not functioning
  • Missing texinputs_win/Makefile to be used in latexpdf builder on windows.
  • 4026: nature: Fix macOS Safari scrollbar color
  • 3877: Fix for C++ multiline signatures.
  • 4006: Fix crash on parallel build
  • 3969: private instance attributes causes AttributeError
  • 4041: C++, remove extra name linking in function pointers.
  • 4038: C, add missing documentation of member role.
  • 4044: An empty multicolumn cell causes extra row height in PDF output
  • 4049: Fix typo in output of sphinx-build -h
  • 4062: hashlib.sha1() must take bytes, not unicode on Python 3
  • Avoid indent after index entries in latex (refs: 4066)
  • 4070: crashes when the warning message contains format strings
  • 4067: Return non-zero exit status when make subprocess fails
  • 4055: graphviz: the :align: option does not work for SVG output
  • 4055: graphviz: the :align: center option does not work for latex output
  • 4051: warn() function for HTML theme outputs 'None' string



Features added

  • latex: hint that code-block continues on next page (refs: 3764, 3792)

Bugs fixed

  • 3821: Failed to import sphinx.util.compat with docutils-0.14rc1
  • 3829: sphinx-quickstart template is incomplete regarding use of alabaster
  • 3772: 'str object' has no attribute 'filename'
  • Emit wrong warnings if citation label includes hyphens (refs: 3565)
  • 3858: Some warnings are not colored when using --color option
  • 3775: Remove unwanted whitespace in default template
  • 3835: sphinx.ext.imgmath fails to convert SVG images if project directory name contains spaces
  • 3850: Fix color handling in make mode's help command
  • 3865: use of self.env.warn in sphinx extension fails
  • 3824: production lists apply smart quotes transform since Sphinx 1.6.1
  • latex: fix \sphinxbfcode swallows initial space of argument
  • 3878: Quotes in auto-documented class attributes should be straight quotes in PDF output
  • 3881: LaTeX figure floated to next page sometimes leaves extra vertical whitespace
  • 3885: duplicated footnotes raises IndexError
  • 3873: Failure of deprecation warning mechanism of sphinx.util.compat.Directive
  • 3874: Bogus warnings for "citation not referenced" for cross-file citations
  • 3860: Don't download images when builders not supported images
  • 3860: Remote image URIs without filename break builders not supported remote images
  • 3833: command line messages are translated unintentionally with language setting.
  • 3840: make checking epub_uid strict
  • 3851, 3706: Fix about box drawing characters for PDF output
  • 3900: autosummary could not find methods
  • 3902: Emit error if latex_documents contains non-unicode string in py2



Incompatible changes

  • 3789: Do not require typing module for python>=3.5

Bugs fixed

  • 3754: HTML builder crashes if HTML theme appends own stylesheets
  • 3756: epub: Entity 'mdash' not defined
  • 3758: Sphinx crashed if logs are emitted in
  • 3755: incorrectly warns about dedent with literalinclude
  • 3742: RTD <> PDF builds of Sphinx own docs are missing an index entry in the bookmarks and table of contents. This is rtfd/readthedocs.org2857 <> issue, a workaround is obtained using some extra LaTeX code in Sphinx's own
  • 3770: Build fails when a "code-block" has the option emphasize-lines and the number indicated is higher than the number of lines
  • 3774: Incremental HTML building broken when using citations
  • 3763: got epubcheck validations error if epub_cover is set
  • 3779: 'ImportError' in sphinx.ext.autodoc due to broken 'sys.meta_path'. Thanks to Tatiana Tereshchenko.
  • 3796: env.resolve_references() crashes when non-document node given
  • 3803: Sphinx crashes with invalid PO files
  • 3791: PDF "continued on next page" for long tables isn't internationalized
  • 3788: smartquotes emits warnings for unsupported languages
  • 3807: latex Makefile for make latexpdf is only for unixen
  • 3781: double hyphens in option directive are compiled as endashes
  • 3817: latex builder raises AttributeError





  • LDML format support in i18n feature
  • sphinx.addnodes.termsep
  • Some functions and classes in sphinx.util.pycompat: zip_longest, product, all, any, next, open, class_types, base_exception, relpath, StringIO, BytesIO. Please use the standard library version instead;

If any deprecation warning like RemovedInSphinxXXXWarning are displayed, please refer :ref:when-deprecation-warnings-are-displayed.

Features added


  • 3588: No compact (p tag) html output in the i18n document build even when :confval:html_compact_lists is True.
  • The make latexpdf from 1.6b1 (for GNU/Linux and Mac OS, using latexmk) aborted earlier in case of LaTeX errors than was the case with 1.5 series, due to hard-coded usage of --halt-on-error option. (refs 3695)
  • 3683: sphinx.websupport module is not provided by default
  • 3683: Failed to build document if builder.css_file.insert() is called
  • 3714: viewcode extension not taking highlight_code='none' in account
  • 3698: Moving :doc: to std domain broke backwards compatibility
  • 3633: misdetect unreferenced citations


  • 3662: builder.css_files is deprecated. Please use add_stylesheet() API instead.


  • sphinx.util.compat.Directive class is now deprecated. Please use instead docutils.parsers.rst.Directive
  • sphinx.util.compat.docutils_version is now deprecated
  • 2367: Sphinx.warn(), and other logging methods are now deprecated. Please use sphinx.util.logging (:ref:logging-api) instead.
  • 3318: notice is now deprecated as LaTeX environment name and will be removed at Sphinx 1.7. Extension authors please use sphinxadmonition instead (as Sphinx does since 1.5.)
  • Sphinx.status_iterator() and Sphinx.old_status_iterator() is now deprecated. Please use sphinx.util:status_iterator() instead.
  • Sphinx._directive_helper() is deprecated. Please use sphinx.util.docutils.directive_helper() instead.
  • BuildEnvironment.set_warnfunc() is now deprecated
  • Following methods of BuildEnvironment is now deprecated.

    • BuildEnvironment.note_toctree()
    • BuildEnvironment.get_toc_for()
    • BuildEnvironment.get_toctree_for()
    • BuildEnvironment.create_index()

    Please use sphinx.environment.adapters modules instead.

  • latex package footnote is not loaded anymore by its bundled replacement footnotehyper-sphinx. The redefined macros keep the same names as in the original package.
  • 3429: deprecate config setting latex_keep_old_macro_names. It will be removed at 1.7, and already its default value has changed from True to False.
  • 3221: epub2 builder is deprecated
  • 3254: sphinx.websupport is now separated into independent package; sphinxcontrib-websupport. sphinx.websupport will be removed in Sphinx-2.0.
  • 3628: sphinx_themes entry_point is deprecated. Please use sphinx.html_themes instead.



Bugs fixed

  • 3614: Sphinx crashes with requests-2.5.0
  • 3618: autodoc crashes with tupled arguments
  • 3664: No space after the bullet in items of a latex list produced by Sphinx
  • 3657: EPUB builder crashes if document startswith genindex exists
  • 3588: No compact (p tag) html output in the i18n document build even when :confval:html_compact_lists is True.
  • 3685: AttributeError when using 3rd party domains
  • 3702: LaTeX writer styles figure legends with a hard-coded \small
  • 3708: LaTeX writer allows irc scheme
  • 3717: Stop enforcing that favicon's must be .ico
  • 3731, 3732: Protect isenumclass predicate against non-class arguments
  • 3320: Warning about reference target not being found for container types
  • Misspelled ARCHIVEPREFIX in Makefile for latex build repertory

sphinx-autobuild 0.6.0 -> 0.7.1


  • Remove spurious virtualenv directory from published packages.


  • Add support for python 3.5, 3.6 and deprecate official python 2.6 support.
  • Add __main__ module for python 3.
  • Add a --version argument.

django-allauth 0.33.0 -> 0.34.0


Security notice

  • The "Set Password" view did not properly check whether or not the user already had a usable password set. This allowed an attacker to set the password without providing the current password, but only in case the attacker already gained control over the victim's session.

Note worthy changes

  • New provider: Meetup.

django-extensions 1.9.1 -> 1.9.7


This release add checking types with MyPy to the test suite. At this point only a few lines of code are explicitly typed.


  • Improvement: shell_plus, Collision resolver implemented.
  • Improvement: shell_plus, Skipping all models importing feature added.
  • Improvement: runscript, Script execution directory policy feature added.


Fix boo-boo with release version in django_extensions/



  • Fix missing test case



  • Tests: shell_plus, simple test for get_imported_objects



  • Fix: mail_debug, regression in mail_debug for older Pythons
  • Fix: shell_plus, SyntaxError on exec(), python compatibility
  • Fix: ForeignKeyAutocompleteAdminMixin, use text/plain

django 1.11.5 -> 1.11.6



October 5, 2017

Django 1.11.6 fixes several bugs in 1.11.5.


  • Made the CharField form field convert whitespace-only values to the empty_value when strip is enabled (:ticket:28555).

  • Fixed crash when using the name of a model's autogenerated primary key (id) in an Index's fields (:ticket:28597).

  • Fixed a regression in Django 1.9 where a custom view error handler such as handler404 that accesses csrf_token could cause CSRF verification failures on other pages (:ticket:28488).


djangorestframework 3.6.4 -> 3.7.1


Date: [16th October 2017][3.7.1-milestone]

  • Fix Interactive documentation always uses false for boolean fields in requests [5492][gh5492]
  • Improve compatibility with Django 2.0 alpha. [5500][gh5500] [5503][gh5503]
  • Improved handling of schema naming collisions [5486][gh5486]
  • Added additional docs and tests around providing a default value for dotted source fields [5489][gh5489]


Date: [6th October 2017][3.7.0-milestone]

  • Fix DjangoModelPermissions to ensure user authentication before calling the view's get_queryset() method. As a side effect, this changes the order of the HTTP method permissions and authentication checks, and 405 responses will only be returned when authenticated. If you want to replicate the old behavior, see the PR for details. [5376][gh5376]

  • Deprecated exclude_from_schema on APIView and api_view decorator. Set schema = None or schema(None) as appropriate. [5422][gh5422]

  • Timezone-aware DateTimeFields now respect active or default timezone during serialization, instead of always using UTC. [5435][gh5435]

    Resolves inconsistency whereby instances were serialised with supplied datetime for create but UTC for retrieve. [3732][gh3732]

    Possible backwards compatibility break if you were relying on datetime strings being UTC. Have client interpret datetimes or [set default or active timezone (docs)][djangodocs-set-timezone] to UTC if needed.

  • Removed DjangoFilterBackend inline with deprecation policy. Use django_filters.rest_framework.FilterSet and/or django_filters.rest_framework.DjangoFilterBackend instead. [5273][gh5273]

  • Don't strip microseconds from time when encoding. Makes consistent with datetime. BC Change: Previously only milliseconds were encoded. [5440][gh5440]

  • Added STRICT_JSON setting (default True) to raise exception for the extended float values (nan, inf, -inf) accepted by Python's json module. BC Change: Previously these values would converted to corresponding strings. Set STRICT_JSON to False to restore the previous behaviour. [5265][gh5265]

  • Add support for page_size parameter in CursorPaginator class [5250][gh5250]

  • Make DEFAULT_PAGINATION_CLASS None by default. BC Change: If your were just setting PAGE_SIZE to enable pagination you will need to add DEFAULT_PAGINATION_CLASS. The previous default was rest_framework.pagination.PageNumberPagination. There is a system check warning to catch this case. You may silence that if you are setting pagination class on a per-view basis. [5170][gh5170]

  • Catch APIException from get_serializer_fields in schema generation. [5443][gh5443]

  • Allow custom authentication and permission classes when using include_docs_urls [5448][gh5448]

  • Defer translated string evaluation on validators. [5452][gh5452]

  • Added default value for 'detail' param into 'ValidationError' exception [5342][gh5342]

  • Adjust schema get_filter_fields rules to match framework [5454][gh5454]

  • Updated test matrix to add Django 2.0 and drop Django 1.8 & 1.9 BC Change: This removes Django 1.8 and Django 1.9 from Django REST Framework supported versions. [5457][gh5457]

  • Fixed a deprecation warning in serializers.ModelField [5058][gh5058]

  • Added a more explicit error message when get_queryset returned None [5348][gh5348]

  • Fix docs for Response data description [5361][gh5361]

  • Fix pycache/.pyc excludes when packaging [5373][gh5373]

  • Fix default value handling for dotted sources [5375][gh5375]

  • Ensure content_type is set when passing empty body to RequestFactory [5351][gh5351]

  • Fix ErrorDetail Documentation [5380][gh5380]

  • Allow optional content in the generic content form [5372][gh5372]

  • Updated supported values for the NullBooleanField [5387][gh5387]

  • Fix ModelSerializer custom named fields with source on model [5388][gh5388]

  • Fixed the MultipleFieldLookupMixin documentation example to properly check for object level permission [5398][gh5398]

  • Update get_object() example in [5401][gh5401]

  • Fix authtoken management command [5415][gh5415]

  • Fix schema generation markdown [5421][gh5421]

  • Allow ChoiceField.choices to be set dynamically [5426][gh5426]

  • Add the project layout to the quickstart [5434][gh5434]

  • Reuse 'apply_markdown' function in 'render_markdown' templatetag [5469][gh5469]

  • Added links to drf-openapi package in docs [5470][gh5470]

  • Added docstrings code highlighting with pygments [5462][gh5462]

  • Fixed documentation rendering for views named data [5472][gh5472]

  • Docs: Clarified 'to_internal_value()' validation behavior [5466][gh5466]

  • Fix missing six.text_type() call on APIException.str [5476][gh5476]

  • Document [5478][gh5478]

  • Fix naming collisions in Schema Generation [5464][gh5464]

  • Call Django's authenticate function with the request object [5295][gh5295]

  • Update coreapi JS to 0.1.1 [5479][gh5479]

  • Have is_list_view recognise RetrieveModel… views [5480][gh5480]

  • Remove Django 1.8 & 1.9 compatibility code [5481][gh5481]

  • Remove deprecated schema code from DefaultRouter [5482][gh5482]

  • Refactor schema generation to allow per-view customisation. BC Change: SchemaGenerator.get_serializer_fields has been refactored as AutoSchema.get_serializer_fields and drops the view argument [5354][gh5354]

3.6.x series

ipython 6.2.0 -> 6.2.1



opbeat 3.5.2 -> 3.5.3


  • added instrumentation for Botocore (155, thanks szilveszter)
  • several bugfixes

psycopg2 ->


  • Wheel package compiled against PostgreSQL 10.0 libpq and OpenSSL 1.0.2l (:tickets:601, 602)

twilio 6.0.0 -> 6.8.2



  • Add Binding resource
  • Add UserBinding resource



  • 394 Update request validator to remove port numbers from https urls. Thanks Brodan!
  • 385 Add request logging and hooking. Thanks tysonholub!


  • Add address_sid param to IncomingPhoneNumbers create and update
  • Add 'fax_enabled' option for Phone Number Search



  • Add smart_encoded param for Messages
  • Add identity_sid param to IncomingPhoneNumbers create and update


  • Make 'address_sid' and 'email' optional fields when creating a HostedNumberOrder
  • Add AuthorizationDocuments preview API.


  • Initial Release


  • Added ip_address to sim resource


  • Rename number to phone_number in Voice Number TwiML. (breaking change)
  • Rename message to body in Messaging TwiML. (breaking change)



  • Add acc_security (authy-phone-verification) initial api-definitions


  • [bi] Less verbose naming of cumulative and real time statistics



  • Make member accessible through identity
  • Make channel subresources accessible by channel unique name
  • Set get list 'max_page_size' parameter to 100
  • Add service instance webhook retry configuration
  • Add media message capability
  • Make body an optional parameter on Message creation. (breaking change)


  • data, apn, gcm, fcm, sms parameters in Notifications create resource are dicts/objects instead of strings. Passing manually stringified json will continue to work.


  • Add new query ability by TaskChannelSid or TaskChannelUniqueName
  • Move Events, Worker, Workers endpoint over to CPR
  • Add new RealTime and Cumulative Statistics endpoints


  • Create should allow an array of video_codecs.
  • Add video_codecs as a property of room to make it externally visible.



  • Add sip_registration property on SIP Domains
  • Add new video and market usage category keys


  • Added last_response and last_request to http_client



  • Add support for Streams


  • Added DataSessions sub-resource to Sims.



  • Allow creating AccessTokens/Jwts without generating nbf. Passing None in the constructor will remove nbf from jwt payload.


  • Update status enum for Recordings to include 'failed'
  • Add error_code property on Recordings


  • Add mutable parameters for channel, members and messages


  • New media_region parameter when creating a room, which controls which region media will be served out of.


  • Add support for speech_timeout, max_speech_time, and profanity_filter attributes on Gather verb.



  • Remove bundled certificates, use certifi package via requests.
  • Add option to use connection pooling. This is enabled by default and will use one Session for all requests in Client.
    • To disable this, pass pool_connections parameter when creating your Twilio client.
      from import Client
      from twilio.http.http_client import TwilioHttpClient

client = Client( username, password, http_client=TwilioHttpClient(pool_connections=False) )

- Add VoiceReceiveMode {'voice', 'fax'} option to IncomingPhoneNumber UPDATE requests

- Add channel message media information
- Add service instance message media information

- Removed 'email' from bulk_exports configuration api [bi]. No migration plan needed because api has not been used yet.
- Add DeployedDevices.

- Add support for Service Instance unique names

### 6.5.1

Fixed PyJWT >= 1.5.1 exception

- Add New wireless usage keys added
- Add `auto_correct_address` param for Addresses create and update
- Add ChatGrant grant and deprecate IpMessagingGrant

- Add `video_codec` enum and `video_codecs` parameter, which can be set to either `VP8` or `H264` during room creation.
- Restrict recordings page size to 100

### 6.5.0

This release adds Beta and Preview products to main artifact.

Previously, Beta and Preview products were only included in the `alpha`
artifact. They are now being included in the main artifact to ease product
discoverability and the collective operational overhead of maintaining multiple
artifacts per library.

- Remove unused `encryption_type` property on Recordings *(breaking change)*
- Update `status` enum for Messages to include 'accepted'

- Fix incorrectly typed capabilities property for PhoneNumbers.

- Add `ToBinding` optional parameter on Notifications resource creation. Accepted values are json strings.

- Add `sms_application_sid` to HostedNumberOrders.

- Fully support conference functionality in reservations.

### 6.4.3

- Update `AnnounceMethod` parameter naming for consistency

- Add `ToBinding` optional parameter on Notifications resource creation. Accepted values are json strings.

- Add `verification_attempts` to HostedNumberOrders.
- Add `status_callback_url` and `status_callback_method` to HostedNumberOrders.

- Filter recordings by date using the parameters `DateCreatedAfter` and `DateCreatedBefore`.
- Override the default time-to-live of a recording's media URL through the `Ttl` parameter (in seconds, default value is 3600).
- Add query parameters `SourceSid`, `Status`, `DateCreatedAfter` and `DateCreatedBefore` to the convenience method for retrieving Room recordings.

- Added national and international data limits to the RatePlans resource.

### 6.4.2


- Pin PyJWT to below version `1.5.1` to fix broken build.
- Fix json load error for python 3.3 - 3.5

### 6.4.1


- Add several missing `<Gather>` attributes.
   - `partial_result_callback`
   - `partial_result_callback_method`
   - `language`
   - `hints`
   - `barge_in`
   - `acknowledge_sound_url`
   - `input`
- Remove client-side max page size validation.
- Support `announce_url` and `announce_url_method` on Conference Participants.
- TwiML docstring corrections.

### 6.4.0


- Remove support for Python 2.6.
- Add `locality` field to `AvailablePhoneNumbers`.
- Add `origin` field to `IncomingPhoneNumbers`.
- Add `in_locality` parameter to `AvailablePhoneNumbers`.
- Add `origin` parameter to `IncomingPhoneNumbers`.
- Add new sync categories to `UsageRecords`.
- Support unicode in `validation_client`.
- Add `muted` parameter to `<Conference>` Twiml.

### 6.3.0


- Rename RoomList to RoomRecordingsList.

### 6.2.0


- Add video domain.
- Update usage record categories.
- Add `get_page` method for reentrant paging.

### 6.1.2


- Allow *kwargs in TwiML Gather

### 6.1.1


- Add Task verb to VoiceResponse
- Add Echo verb to VoiceResponse
- Add Sim verb to VoiceResponse

### 6.1.0


- Add v2 of
- Add `recording_channels` parameter to Participant create and update.
- Add `recording_status_callback` parameter to Participant create and update.
- Add `recording_status_callback_method` parameter to Participant create and update.
- Add `sip_auth_username` parameter to Participant create and update.
- Add `region` parameter to Participant create and update.
- Add `conference_recording_status_callback` parameter to Participant create and update.
- Add `conference_recording_status_callback_method` parameter to Participant create and update.
- Add `validity_period` parameter to Messages.

yapf 0.18.0 -> 0.19.0



  • Added SPLIT_BEFORE_EXPRESSION_AFTER_OPENING_PAREN that enforces a split after the opening paren of an expression that's surrounded by parens. Changed
  • Split before the ending bracket of a comma-terminated tuple / argument list if it's not a single element tuple / arg list. Fixed
  • Prefer to split after a comma in an argument list rather than in the middle of an argument.
  • A non-multiline string may have newlines if it contains continuation markers itself. Don't add a newline after the string when retaining the vertical space.
  • Take into account the "async" keyword when determining if we must split before the first argument.
  • Increase affinity for "atom" arguments in function calls. This helps prevent lists from being separated when they don't need to be.
  • Don't place a dictionary argument on its own line if it's the last argument in the function call where that function is part of a builder-style call.
  • Append the "var arg" type to a star in a star_expr.

pytest 3.2.2 -> 3.2.3



Bug Fixes

  • Fix crash in tab completion when no prefix is given. (2748 <>_)

  • The equality checking function (__eq__) of MarkDecorator returns False if one object is not an instance of MarkDecorator. (2758 <>_)

  • When running pytest --fixtures-per-test: don't crash if an item has no fixtureinfo attribute (e.g. doctests) (2788 <>)

Improved Documentation

  • In help text of -k option, add example of using not to not select certain tests whose names match the provided expression. (1442 <>_)

  • Add note in parametrize.rst about calling metafunc.parametrize multiple times. (1548 <>_)

Trivial/Internal Changes

  • Set xfail_strict=True in pytest's own test suite to catch expected failures as soon as they start to pass. (2722 <>_)

  • Fix typo in example of passing a callable to markers (in example/markers.rst) (2765 <>_)

tox 2.8.2 -> 2.9.1


Misc ^^^^

  • integrated new release process and fixed changelog rendering for - by obestwalter <>_.



Features ^^^^^^^^

  • tox --version now shows information about all registered plugins - by obestwalter <> (544 <>)

Bugfixes ^^^^^^^^

  • skip_install overrides usedevelop (usedevelop is an option to choose the installation type if the package is installed and skip_install determines if it should be installed at all) - by ferdonline <> (571 <>)

Misc ^^^^

  • 635 <> inherit from correct exception - by obestwalter <> (635 <>_).
  • spelling and escape sequence fixes - by scoop <> (637 <> and 638 <>_).
  • add a badge to show build status of documentation on - by obestwalter <>_.

Improved Documentation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • add towncrier <> to allow adding changelog entries with the pull requests without generating merge conflicts; with this release notes are now grouped into four distinct collections: Features, Bugfixes, Improved Documentation and Deprecations and Removals. (614 <>)

That's it for now!

Happy merging! 🤖