monyone / Anime4K.js

Anime4K WebGL port/implementation
MIT License
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Troubleshooting Poor Upscaling Quality with Anime4k.js #1

Open jaymiouo opened 4 months ago

jaymiouo commented 4 months ago


I have successfully compiled under Windows using Node.js, and as a result, I got "anime4k.js". I've also created a simple HTML.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Anime4K.js Image Upscaling</title>
    <script src="anime4k.js"></script>
    <h2>Original Image</h2>
    <img id="originalImage" src="input.jpg" alt="Original Image" width="400">
    <h2>Upscaled Image</h2>
    <canvas id="upscaledCanvas"></canvas>

        window.onload = function() {
            // Get the image source and canvas elements
            var originalImage = document.getElementById('originalImage');
            var canvasElement = document.getElementById('upscaledCanvas');
            var textureSource = originalImage;

            // Create an instance of Anime4KJS.ImageUpscaler
            const upscaler = new Anime4KJS.ImageUpscaler(Anime4KJS.ANIME4K_HIGHEREND_MODE_A_FAST  /* PROFILE */);

            // Attach the original image and canvas element to the upscaler
            upscaler.attachSource(textureSource, canvasElement);

            // Perform the upscaling process

However, the upscaling effect is worse than the original image. Could you tell me what I did wrong?


I will provide the compiled Anime4k.js.

monyone commented 4 months ago

@jaymiouo Sorry for late response. width attribute is present, rendered as specified width (downscaling) then upscale.

Please specify the size of the original image with CSS.