moo-man / FVTT-DD-Import

Allows Importing Dungeondraft map files into FoundryVTT
MIT License
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Big files wont get converted to webp #123

Closed Q-efx closed 1 year ago

Q-efx commented 1 year ago

You need different settings for webp conversion.

Not sure whats here used, you need on the command line: segments=1, low_memory, q=50 (to reduce the big size :) )

moo-man commented 1 year ago

If I recall from @m42e , the way webp conversion is implemented doesn't allow for these arguments

4cer commented 1 year ago

Assuming you have access to the original map project, here's a quick and dirty workaround.

In your map making software:

  1. First export into the universal battlemap format BUT use whatever option you can to obtain a solid color background image (eg. in Dungeon Draft turn down brightness to 0 in the export dialog). This should yield a far smaller file.
  2. Export as image (any type accepted by FVTT) with normal settings


  1. Import the universal battlemap format (to obtain the wall layout etc)
  2. Replace the background of the new scene with your exported image
4cer commented 1 year ago

For those who cannot mess with the original project there is also hope.

Using a decent text editor:

  1. Open the universal battlemap file (since those files are huge, it may be a cumbersome task, so it may be preferred to use a programmatic method)
  2. Find the image member and copy its content aside
  3. Replace the contents with R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAP///wAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw== (BASE64-encoded 1x1 transparent pixel image)

NOTE: This line of the file should look like so: "image": "R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAP///wAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw=="

  1. Use a BASE64 decoding tool (such as ) to obtain the background image a. Optionally save the image to a smaller format, such as .webp, using a decent image editor


  1. Import the universal battlemap format (to obtain the wall layout etc)
  2. Replace the background image of the new scene with your decoded image
xeropresence commented 1 year ago

2.4.0 was generating webp's perfectly fine with my setup, now uploading the same dd2vtt generates a huge png with 2.5.1, conversion never seems to take place.

Single file upload using brave.