moo-man / WFRP4e-FoundryVTT

The premiere system for running grim and perilous games of Warhammer Fantasy Role-play in the Foundry VTT environment.
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[WFRP4e System] [v12] List of all CSS and other visual fixes needed #2094

Open Forien opened 1 month ago

Forien commented 1 month ago

Master List

I created this issue to work as a kind of "Master List" of all required CSS fixes for wfrp4e for v12, so Moo Man can focus on fixing them instead finding them.

I post problems in no particular order, as I find them, trying to group them when possible

Some of them may be too minor to bother, but I posted them anyway.

I tested everything on Chrome.


Sidebar Icons are offset from top

Screenshot ![image](

Button Font Size in Settings tab of Sidebar is small.

Not necessarily bad, but buttons look too empty now. Smaller buttons or bigger font size should look better

Screenshot ![image](

Actor Sheet

Actor Name is huge and doesn't fit properly

Issue is caused by --actor-input-font-size not being defined

Screenshot ![image](

Most of Actor Sheet has smaller font size.

Again, not necessarily bad in some cases, but looks out of place.

Screenshot ![image](

Item Browser

All Font Sizes are at least twice too big

Screenshot ![image](

Header doesn't align properly with both buttons (which it does on v11)

Screenshot ![image](

Settings Configuration

Font size on buttons is way too big

Screenshot ![image](

Token Configuration

Some checkboxes are way too big

Screenshot ![image](

Ring Effects go out of background

Screenshot ![image](

Light Radius doesn't have full background

Screenshot ![image](

Some inputs look disconnected

Screenshot ![image](

Scene Configuration

Mismatched buttons for Ambience > Environment Lighting

Screenshot ![image](


Default Trappings now get default Foundry's icon instead of blank

Screenshot ![image](

Canvas, Tokens and other Placeables

Status Effect for Dead doesn't appear as a "big" effect, instead is displayed as small effect on the side

Screenshot ![image](

Combat Tracker

Wrong automatic Height

When popped out (by right clicking the icon on sidebar), the height is not applied properly on turn change. Moving window fixed the height, but any re-render, like turn change, will make it hide last combatant again


Feel free to contribute to this issue by commenting under it, provide screenshots when possible. Make sure the versions you test on are as shown below and that your Font Size setting in Core Foundry is set to default (5)

Foundry: 12.327 wfrp4e: 7.2.1 wfrp4e-core: 5.0.4