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Healing Draught effect is moved to Temporary effect #2100

Open GregorHak opened 3 weeks ago

GregorHak commented 3 weeks ago Hey, after some tests, I can say that: After You invoke/appy Healing Draught effect then this effect is not proper deleted and stay in Temporary Effect. obraz

To fix that - effect should have this option checked: obraz

Forien commented 3 weeks ago

I disagree. Instead it should have script to remove it on combat start (or end).

Healing draughts are limited to 1 use per encounter, so I think it is nice to have some reminder that it was used.

GregorHak commented 3 weeks ago

Ok, or at least a message should be displayed (when you have this effect already) that you can't drink another healing potion. Now these effects are stacked, and that's it.

Txus5012 commented 3 weeks ago

Interesting. So maybe something like this? Healing-Draught.json

Since there is no combat start trigger, I used get initiative to delete the effect.