moo-man / WFRP4e-FoundryVTT

The premiere system for running grim and perilous games of Warhammer Fantasy Role-play in the Foundry VTT environment.
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[Enemy In Shadows] Miscasts triggering on failed rolls despite Dhar not being used to cast #2123

Closed moo-man closed 3 weeks ago

moo-man commented 3 weeks ago

It seems that any character that has Channelling (Dhar) as a trained Skill triggers the Dhar casting miscast rules, even when they are casting spells using a different Lore and Channelling Skill.

The example from my game is a Light Wizard (Master Heirophant) who also has some Skills and Talents relating to Necromancy (which are secret). Channelling (Hysh) is higher than Channelling (Dhar) on their sheet, and they almost exclusively cast Light spells, but each failure prompts a miscast roll.
From: mighty_chebo
foundry: 11.315
wfrp4e: 7.2.2
wfrp4e-altdorf: 5.0.2
wfrp4e-archives1: 5.0.2
wfrp4e-archives2: 5.0.1
wfrp4e-core: 5.0.6
wfrp4e-dotr: 5.0.4
wfrp4e-eis: 5.0.2
wfrp4e-empire-ruins: 5.0.3
wfrp4e-horned-rat: 5.0.3
wfrp4e-middenheim: 5.0.2
wfrp4e-owb2: 5.0.3
wfrp4e-pbtt: 5.0.4
wfrp4e-up-in-arms: 5.0.2
wfrp4e-wom: 5.0.3
wfrp4e-zoo: 5.0.1
Active Modules: combat-tracker-dock, combatbooster, dd-import, drag-ruler, foundryvtt-simple-calendar, healthEstimate, initiative-double-click, item-piles, lessfog, lib-wrapper, mcc, monks-active-tiles, nations-of-mankind-wfrp4e, permission_viewer, quick-insert, routinglib, socketlib, token-action-hud, token-attacher, token-auras, wfrp4e-gm-toolkit, wfrp4e-pbth-maps, forge-vtt

moo-man commented 3 weeks ago

Non reproducible, closing as username isn't found on Discord.

mighty-chebo commented 3 weeks ago

Non reproducible, closing as username isn't found on Discord.

This is me. Sorry, I just realised my Discord settings don't allow contact from people I'm not in a server with. I'm attaching some screenshots to show when this happened - I don't think any of these should have produced miscasts: image



But, on trying to trigger it today, it doesn't seem to be happening anymore: image

I haven't run any updates since my session on Tuesday and trying again this morning. The only other thing I could think of is the player is somehow causing it - I'll ask them to try to reporoduce it.

Forien commented 3 weeks ago


Could it have been because of Malignant Influences checkbox? image

Or perhaps (I think this is what was happening) it was a failed Cast Test after Channelling? image

mighty-chebo commented 3 weeks ago


Could it have been because of Malignant Influences checkbox? image

Or perhaps (I think this is what was happening) it was a failed Cast Test after Channelling? image

Sorry! My bad. It is definitely the bottom one - failed cast after channelling. Our two parties have been overlooking that rule completely.

Thank you very much for resolving!

moo-man commented 3 weeks ago

This is me. Sorry, I just realised my Discord settings don't allow contact from people I'm not in a server with

To be clear, in this case I send a friend request, but discord said it could not find your username.

mighty-chebo commented 3 weeks ago

To be clear, in this case I send a friend request, but discord said it could not find your username.

Strange. Sorry - don't know why. "mighty_chebo" is definitely my username. I updated the settings to allow Friend Requests from everyone, so hopefully it will work next time, if needed.

Thank you, and sorry to take up your time with a mistake.