There was an issue with overcast not working due to data not being pasted from dialog to test and also calculation of user entries:
for(let key in this.userEntry)
if (["string", "boolean"].includes(typeof this.userEntry[key]))
this.fields[key] = this.userEntry[key]
else if (Number.isNumeric(this.userEntry[key]))
this.fields[key] += this.userEntry[key];
this.tooltips.finish(this, "User Entry")
since overcast value in cast dialog is a numeric field, instead of passing it to test, it was either incremented on every input change, or treated as NaN, due to null + number calculation.
There was an issue with overcast not working due to data not being pasted from dialog to test and also calculation of user entries:
since overcast value in cast dialog is a numeric field, instead of passing it to test, it was either incremented on every input change, or treated as NaN, due to null + number calculation.
Also, minor typo and translation in base dialog.