Issues loading into the game. The homepage would load, but the chat window, assorted buttons, and commands do not appear or function.
Reloaded in safe mode, and the issue corrected itself.
The issue resurfaces whenever I install the Core Rulebook or any other official WFRP4e Book Mod.
I have uploaded all my regular mods, and they are working without issues, but I have avoided the Book Mods.
Fortunately, I have imported most of the journals, items, macros, and rollable tables.
Hopefully, you can resolve this issue soon. I've noticed it happening for around a week or so, and it would sometimes not occur, but today, I have had zero luck until I reset the mods.
Here is a screenshot of the error. I also have long load times, and that issue persists even after I reset the Mods, so I assume it's due to all my Imported content.
Issues loading into the game. The homepage would load, but the chat window, assorted buttons, and commands do not appear or function. Reloaded in safe mode, and the issue corrected itself. The issue resurfaces whenever I install the Core Rulebook or any other official WFRP4e Book Mod. I have uploaded all my regular mods, and they are working without issues, but I have avoided the Book Mods. Fortunately, I have imported most of the journals, items, macros, and rollable tables.
Hopefully, you can resolve this issue soon. I've noticed it happening for around a week or so, and it would sometimes not occur, but today, I have had zero luck until I reset the mods.
Here is a screenshot of the error. I also have long load times, and that issue persists even after I reset the Mods, so I assume it's due to all my Imported content.
From: jorlack
foundry: 12.331
wfrp4e: 8.1.3
Active Modules: JB2A_DnD5e, Rideable, _chatcommands, autoanimations, betterroofs, breaktime, chat-commander-wfrp4e, combat-tracker-dock, custom-fonts, dice-calculator, dice-so-nice, dice-so-nice-more-sfx-triggers, easy-target, elevationruler, entice-with-dice-so-nice, forien-quest-log, foundryvtt-simple-calendar, fuzzy-foundry, gm-screen, healthEstimate, hover-distance, illandril-hotbar-uses, illandril-tidy-module-settings, illandril-token-hud-scale, illandril-token-tooltips, image-previewer, lib-wrapper, lordudice, monks-combat-details, monks-combat-marker, monks-scene-navigation, monks-sound-enhancements, monks-tokenbar, moulinette-core, moulinette-gameicons, moulinette-imagesearch, moulinette-scenes, moulinette-sounds, moulinette-tiles, pings, popout, popout-resizer, quick-insert, rich-info-tooltips, ripper-premium-dice, ripper-premium-dice-ea, routinglib, sequencer, settings-extender, smalltime, smarttarget, socketlib, talisdice, theripper-premium-hub, token-action-hud-core, token-action-hud-wfrp4e, warhammer-lib, wfrp4e-gm-toolkit, wfrp4e-night-vision, wfrp4e-random-treasure, wikirole_dice, forge-vtt