moo-man / WFRP4e-FoundryVTT

The premiere system for running grim and perilous games of Warhammer Fantasy Role-play in the Foundry VTT environment.
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[WFRP4e System] SheetsV2: amputated injuries with "Permanent" ticked does not display "Permanent in the effect tab #2301

Open moo-man opened 2 weeks ago

moo-man commented 2 weeks ago

You might be already be aware of this, or might want to do things differently, but currently in actor sheets v2, an injury with a permanent duration will display "days", instead of "permanent" (and you can decrement it).

I don't even care about it, but I figured it might be worth raising the issue for whenever you were to work on the v2 sheets again.

From: thefirst5
foundry: 12.331
wfrp4e: 8.2.3
wfrp4e-archives1: 6.0.1
wfrp4e-archives2: 6.0.1
wfrp4e-archives3: 6.0.2
wfrp4e-core: 6.0.1
wfrp4e-dotr: 6.0.1
wfrp4e-eis: 6.0.2
wfrp4e-empire-ruins: 6.0.1
wfrp4e-horned-rat: 6.0.1
wfrp4e-lustria: 6.0.1
wfrp4e-middenheim: 6.0.2
wfrp4e-owb2: 6.0.1
wfrp4e-pbtt: 6.0.0
wfrp4e-up-in-arms: 6.0.2
wfrp4e-wom: 6.0.2
wfrp4e-zoo: 6.0.0
Active Modules: _chatcommands, about-face, chat-commander-wfrp4e, dd-import, drag-ruler, easy-target, fa-battlemaps, fast-flip, first-minimod, forien-armoury, foundryvtt-simple-calendar, healthEstimate, lib-wrapper, monks-active-tiles, multilevel-tokens, quick-insert, smalltime, socketlib, tagger, times-up, token-action-hud-core, token-action-hud-wfrp4e, token-z, tokenmagic, warhammer-lib, wfrp4e-gm-toolkit, wfrp4e-more-subspecies, wfrp4e-night-vision, forge-vtt