Open moo-man opened 4 hours ago
My PCs are receiving two SL for every 10% over 100 instead of one. 110 = +2 SL instead of +1 SL 120 = +4 SL instead of +2 SLFrom: Bricksmarlenfoundry: 12.331wfrp4e: 8.2.3wfrp4e-core: 6.0.1wfrp4e-dotr: 6.0.1wfrp4e-eis: 6.0.2wfrp4e-middenheim: 6.0.2wfrp4e-rnhd: 6.0.2wfrp4e-up-in-arms: 6.0.2Active Modules: _chatcommands, background-scaler, chat-commander-wfrp4e, dice-so-nice, drag-ruler, forien-ammo-swapper, forien-armoury, foundryvtt-simple-calendar, item-piles, lib-wrapper, raise-my-hand, socketlib, tabletop-rpg-music, tabletop-rpg-music-cloud-streaming, times-up, token-action-hud-core, token-action-hud-wfrp4e, token-z, warhammer-lib, wfrp4e-character-details, wfrp4e-dotr-maps, wfrp4e-eis-maps, wfrp4e-gm-toolkit, forge-vtt, forge-vtt-optional
Isn't it RAW?
Optional Rule: Tests Above 100%
My PCs are receiving two SL for every 10% over 100 instead of one. 110 = +2 SL instead of +1 SL 120 = +4 SL instead of +2 SL
From: Bricksmarlen
foundry: 12.331
wfrp4e: 8.2.3
wfrp4e-core: 6.0.1
wfrp4e-dotr: 6.0.1
wfrp4e-eis: 6.0.2
wfrp4e-middenheim: 6.0.2
wfrp4e-rnhd: 6.0.2
wfrp4e-up-in-arms: 6.0.2
Active Modules: _chatcommands, background-scaler, chat-commander-wfrp4e, dice-so-nice, drag-ruler, forien-ammo-swapper, forien-armoury, foundryvtt-simple-calendar, item-piles, lib-wrapper, raise-my-hand, socketlib, tabletop-rpg-music, tabletop-rpg-music-cloud-streaming, times-up, token-action-hud-core, token-action-hud-wfrp4e, token-z, warhammer-lib, wfrp4e-character-details, wfrp4e-dotr-maps, wfrp4e-eis-maps, wfrp4e-gm-toolkit, forge-vtt, forge-vtt-optional