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Update digInAppliedRelatedRates.tex #989

Closed pfatheddin closed 3 months ago

pfatheddin commented 3 months ago

Fixed a typo. In the example it says someone then refers to him/her as them. Pg. 165:


Him/her not them.

bwramsey commented 3 months ago

I'm not sure I follow your point. As written it's correct. Are you wanting to make the question less inclusive?

pfatheddin commented 3 months ago

no it is just a small grammar error. It says a person then "them".

bwramsey commented 3 months ago

It is grammatically correct as written. The dictionary says them “refers to a person whose gender need not be specified”.

pfatheddin commented 3 months ago

Oh. I have never seen that. Interesting to know. Thanks.