Create shared component ContentTable used for Table in Datalab -> Data, Datalab -> Form -> Preview, and Form modules. New table features include sorting, filtering, pagination, searching using backend server.
Requesting proper code review and testing of bugs.
[x] On datalab creation or update, the data + groupby input doesn't seem to initially load until a sort/filter, etc operation is performed.
[x] Unable to access "Create a new form"
[x] CSS Misalignment of GroupBy input + Search input in datalab/data
[x] If a groupby filter on datalab/data results in a total number of pages < your current page, then no data will be shown in the table (even though there should exist some data)
[x] Filtering when handling Empty forms aren't registered in data
[x] checkbox form registered as 'false' as default when it should be 'none'
[x] Fix unauthorized error with form links when open view (or hide the filter controls)
Create shared component ContentTable used for Table in Datalab -> Data, Datalab -> Form -> Preview, and Form modules. New table features include sorting, filtering, pagination, searching using backend server.
Requesting proper code review and testing of bugs.