Hello, I cannot understand why, but sometimes the sidebar custom root nodes Fontawesome icons load properly, other times not.
I dig into the HTML and see that:
icon shows correctly: inside the span with class "nav-icon" there is a i element with a before pseudo-elements that gest the font-family: Fontawesome; <span class="nav-icon"> <i class="icon fa-question fa-fw " aria-hidden="true" aria-label=""></i> </span>
icon does not show: inside the same span with class "nav-icon" there is a img element with a not found source. `
Hello, I cannot understand why, but sometimes the sidebar custom root nodes Fontawesome icons load properly, other times not. I dig into the HTML and see that:
icon shows correctly: inside the span with class "nav-icon" there is a i element with a before pseudo-elements that gest the font-family: Fontawesome;
<span class="nav-icon"> <i class="icon fa-question fa-fw " aria-hidden="true" aria-label=""></i> </span>
icon does not show: inside the same span with class "nav-icon" there is a img element with a not found source. `