moodle-an-hochschulen / moodle-theme_boost_union

Theme Boost Union is an enhanced child theme of Boost which is intended, on the one hand, to make Boost simply more configurable and, on the other hand, to provide helpful additional features for the daily Moodle operation of admins, teachers and students.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Improvement: Width and conflicting position of the right hand scroll bar with block drawer #216

Open wiebkemueller-hsh opened 1 year ago

wiebkemueller-hsh commented 1 year ago
  1. Currently, the right-hand side navigation bar sits behind the right-hand side block drawer. Especially with very long (course) or admin pages this may lead to a state where the navigation bar is completely blocked by the drawer.


See screenshot and/or open up this page to reproduce the behaviour: .../admin/category.php?category=theme_boost_union

  1. Also the scroll bar is very thin compared to other applications, I'd agree with the arguments given in this forum discussion where it is said, that "It's very easy to adjust too. The following CSS overrides should set it back to browser defaults: #page.drawers, .drawercontent { scrollbar-width: inherit; }"

The related questions to these observations are:

  1. whether it would be possible to place the block drawer next to the scroll bar rather than above it?
  2. whether it would be possible to let the scroll bar have the default browser width?

I am including a link to two other tracker issues, since I think they also affect the way the block drawer handled or where the admin settings for the above mentioned No. 1 might be located.

Feature: Block drawer width

Feature: Allow right-side blocks drawer to be extended by default

ShUl0w commented 1 year ago

Hi @wiebkemueller-hsh,

I support this request, since the way the scrollbar-styling has been applied is inconsistent across browsers anyway (i.e. it's not working properly in MS Edge). However, I feel like we should keep this request focused on the scrollbar width/styling for now, as the positioning of the drawer toggles could be fleshed out even more by implementing the option to choose their respective position (top/bottom).

I've already moved ahead and began work on an option to reset the page scrollbar to its' default style. @abias since the page and every drawer (left/right) has its' own scrollbar, would it be desirable to configure each scrollbar separately? I feel like this might cause some bloat in the settings, yet I can see the merits of doing so, especially for smaller screen widths.

In any case, I propose adding a "Default page scrollbar" yes/no setting under Look -> Page -> Page scrollbar.

wiebkemueller-hsh commented 1 year ago

Hi @ShUl0w,

somehow I was notified without noticing. That sounds good. If it is possible to set a general default page scrollbar that should work for all scrollbars on the site I guess.

BTW We've just updated the test server to 4.2 and my point 1. (positioning) seems to have been fixed. grafik

Regards Wiebke

lucaboesch commented 1 year ago

That was probably Fixed in the minors 4.0.8, 4.1.3, too. IMHO this issue can be closed.

wiebkemueller-hsh commented 1 year ago

@ShUl0w depends on whether or not you are still planning to go ahead for the general width of the scroll bar.

ShUl0w commented 1 year ago

@wiebkemueller-hsh Hey, sorry for the late response - since I've already tested a workaround to change the width, I'll try to get this done soonish™. I might face some issues due to the recent changes mentioned by @lucaboesch, but I'll see what I can do.

abias commented 3 months ago

Hi @ShUl0w ,

looking at our project board, I just spotted this issue which has been in "In progress DEV" status for quite a while now, but the discussion here somehow got stale.

If I understand it correctly, the initial bug report by @wiebkemueller-hsh that the scrollbar might be hidden behind the drawer 'handle' has been resolved by MDL-73771 in Moodle core. So this issue here boils down to a feature request to allow admins to configure the size and styling of the scrollbar in Boost Union. Is this correct?

If not, please tell me what this issues remains to be about then.

If yes, I would slightly hesitate to fiddle with scrollbar styling in Boost Union as it feels like overengineering to me. But if you have real-life reasons for this feature and can keep the growth of code somehow at a reasonable size (which means: one admin setting to rule over all layouts), I won't be the party pooper.

Cheers, Alex