moodle-an-hochschulen / moodle-theme_boost_union

Theme Boost Union is an enhanced child theme of Boost which is intended, on the one hand, to make Boost simply more configurable and, on the other hand, to provide helpful additional features for the daily Moodle operation of admins, teachers and students.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Improvement: Show the manual login form on request #539

Closed abias closed 5 months ago

abias commented 6 months ago

In #490 where hiding the manual login form was implemented, @slaudel commented:

Just one question, how does the local admin get logged in(, in case something is broken with SSO)? I would like to use this on one instance of our moodle systems, but I need to login via manual login to use my admin account.

@slaudel is right in this point. SSO interfaces can break and if this happens, the login into Moodle is broken completely. But to fix a broken SSO, the admin needs to log in. Since the Moodle login requires the login token (see, an approach where Moodle composes the login form itself is needed, the admin can't just create and submit an ad-hoc login form anywhere.

If we agree that this manual login is only necessary for expert users like admins in emergency cases, there are three obvious solutions:

  1. Add some documentation which explains to the admin that he can simply re-enable the local login form by running php admin/cli/cfg.php --name=loginlocalloginenable --component=theme_boost_union --set=yes
  2. Add a second login page to Boost Union, for example on /theme/boost_union/login.php. This login page would then provide the standard local login form without any bells and whistles regardless of the loginlocalloginenable setting.
  3. Add a URL parameter like /login/index.php?locallogin=1to the normal login page which will show the local login form regardless of the loginlocalloginenable setting.
christianwolters commented 6 months ago


quick thoughts on this issue:

Any opinions appreciated here...

slaudel commented 6 months ago

Thanks @abias for splitting this up to a new issue. Yes the first option may be the one with the least hassle. But I think option 2 or 3 maybe the more versatile solution. For us, we are using some local accounts for testing, documentation and administration purposes (not testing in the sense of developing) where we don't want to use our personal SSO accounts. So I would prefer option 2, because a special login page could also be more easily protected (by allowing access only from inside the campus network or special IP addresses) via the webserver/reverse proxy.

christianwolters commented 6 months ago

I would prefer option 2, because a special login page could also be more easily protected (by allowing access only from inside the campus network or special IP addresses) via the webserver/reverse proxy.

Good idea!