moodlehq / moodle-docker

A docker environment for moodle developers
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Issue initializing database for manual testing #189

Closed jtorreggiani closed 2 years ago

jtorreggiani commented 2 years ago

Hello! Firstly, this is an awesome project. Thank you for putting this together!

I'm running into an issue that I'm hoping someone here can help with. I setup a local version of Moodle via git following the directions on the Moodle Docs. With my local version of Moodle downloaded, I then ran the follow setup code.

# Set required environment variables
export MOODLE_DOCKER_WWWROOT=/Users/jtorreggiani/projects/open-source/moodle
export MOODLE_DOCKER_DB=pgsql

# Set the config.php file
cp config.docker-template.php $MOODLE_DOCKER_WWWROOT/config.php

# Start up the services
bin/moodle-docker-compose up -d

# Containers start successfully
# Starting moodle-docker_exttests_1  ... done
# Starting moodle-docker_db_1       ... done
# Starting moodle-docker_selenium_1  ... done
# Starting moodle-docker_mailhog_1  ... done
# Starting moodle-docker_webserver_1 ... done

However, when I try the instructions from the "Use containers for manual testing" section like so

bin/moodle-docker-compose exec webserver php admin/cli/install_database.php --agree-license --fullname="Docker moodle" --shortname="docker_moodle" --summary="Docker moodle site" --adminpass="test" --adminemail=""

The command seems to hang with the following output

== Setting up database ==

I've tried this using Postgresql, Mysql, and MariaDB, all with the same problem. When I visit localhost:8000, I get an error saying an upgrade is in progress. However, this command seems to never finish.

Running bin/moodle-docker-compose logs db for Mysql and MariaDB didn't seem to indicate the database wasn't functioning properly. But running the install_database.php command for those databases also didn't trigger additional db logs to be emitted. For Postgresql I noticed the following error.

db_1         | 2021-10-28 05:06:25.116 UTC [85] ERROR:  relation "m_context" does not exist at character 24
db_1         | 2021-10-28 05:06:25.116 UTC [85] STATEMENT:  SELECT COUNT('x') FROM m_context

Am I missing something from this setup? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.

scara commented 2 years ago

Hi @jtorreggiani, what version of Moodle did you download? Did you use the moodle-docker toolbox for the very first time i.e. do you have locally the latest images of each service composing the toolbox, including the code of the compose?

TIA, Matteo

jtorreggiani commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the prompt response @scara!

I downloaded the main version from the Github So that would be 4.0dev+?

I ran all the setup required for the moodle-docker repository locally from what I can tell. The latest images are getting pulled and the containers seem to start with no problem.

jtorreggiani commented 2 years ago

I've also tried checking out MOODLE_38_STABLE and running moodle-docker with the same issue of the install_database.php script hanging.

scara commented 2 years ago

Hi @jtorreggiani, I just gave the actual 4.0 alpha (2021102900.03, b16fc54) a try:

export MOODLE_DOCKER_WWWROOT=/path/to/moodle/master
export MOODLE_DOCKER_DB=pgsql
cp config.docker-template.php $MOODLE_DOCKER_WWWROOT/config.php
bin/moodle-docker-compose up -d && bin/moodle-docker-wait-for-db
bin/moodle-docker-compose exec webserver php admin/cli/install_database.php \
    --agree-license \
    --fullname="Docker moodle" \
    --shortname="docker_moodle" \
    --summary="Docker moodle site" \
    --adminpass="test" \

Please note that I'm using an "external" Docker Host on a "recent version" of both Engine and Compose so I need the patch below too - that is required to bind the instance to something different from the default :

git diff
diff --git a/webserver.port.yml b/webserver.port.yml
index bff93e6..93cea90 100644
--- a/webserver.port.yml
+++ b/webserver.port.yml
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ services:
-      - "${MOODLE_DOCKER_WEB_PORT}:80"
and the installation logs are hidden here (click me). ```bash bin/moodle-docker-compose exec webserver php admin/cli/install_database.php \ > --agree-license \ > --fullname="Docker moodle" \ > --shortname="docker_moodle" \ > --summary="Docker moodle site" \ > --adminpass="test" \ > --adminemail="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- == Setting up database == -->System ++ Success ++ -->antivirus_clamav ++ Success ++ -->availability_completion ++ Success ++ -->availability_date ++ Success ++ -->availability_grade ++ Success ++ -->availability_group ++ Success ++ -->availability_grouping ++ Success ++ -->availability_profile ++ Success ++ -->qtype_calculated ++ Success ++ -->qtype_calculatedmulti ++ Success ++ -->qtype_calculatedsimple ++ Success ++ -->qtype_ddimageortext ++ Success ++ -->qtype_ddmarker ++ Success ++ -->qtype_ddwtos ++ Success ++ -->qtype_description ++ Success ++ -->qtype_essay ++ Success ++ -->qtype_gapselect ++ Success ++ -->qtype_match ++ Success ++ -->qtype_missingtype ++ Success ++ -->qtype_multianswer ++ Success ++ -->qtype_multichoice ++ Success ++ -->qtype_numerical ++ Success ++ -->qtype_random ++ Success ++ -->qtype_randomsamatch ++ Success ++ -->qtype_shortanswer ++ Success ++ -->qtype_truefalse ++ Success ++ -->mod_assign ++ Success ++ -->mod_assignment ++ Success ++ -->mod_book ++ Success ++ -->mod_chat ++ Success ++ -->mod_choice ++ Success ++ -->mod_data ++ Success ++ -->mod_feedback ++ Success ++ -->mod_folder ++ Success ++ -->mod_forum ++ Success ++ -->mod_glossary ++ Success ++ -->mod_h5pactivity ++ Success ++ -->mod_imscp ++ Success ++ -->mod_label ++ Success ++ -->mod_lesson ++ Success ++ -->mod_lti ++ Success ++ -->mod_page ++ Success ++ -->mod_quiz ++ Success ++ -->mod_resource ++ Success ++ -->mod_scorm ++ Success ++ -->mod_survey ++ Success ++ -->mod_url ++ Success ++ -->mod_wiki ++ Success ++ -->mod_workshop ++ Success ++ -->auth_cas ++ Success ++ -->auth_db ++ Success ++ -->auth_email ++ Success ++ -->auth_ldap ++ Success ++ -->auth_lti ++ Success ++ -->auth_manual ++ Success ++ -->auth_mnet ++ Success ++ -->auth_nologin ++ Success ++ -->auth_none ++ Success ++ -->auth_oauth2 ++ Success ++ -->auth_shibboleth ++ Success ++ -->auth_webservice ++ Success ++ -->calendartype_gregorian ++ Success ++ -->customfield_checkbox ++ Success ++ -->customfield_date ++ Success ++ -->customfield_select ++ Success ++ -->customfield_text ++ Success ++ -->customfield_textarea ++ Success ++ -->enrol_category ++ Success ++ -->enrol_cohort ++ Success ++ -->enrol_database ++ Success ++ -->enrol_fee ++ Success ++ -->enrol_flatfile ++ Success ++ -->enrol_guest ++ Success ++ -->enrol_imsenterprise ++ Success ++ -->enrol_ldap ++ Success ++ -->enrol_lti ++ Success ++ -->enrol_manual ++ Success ++ -->enrol_meta ++ Success ++ -->enrol_mnet ++ Success ++ -->enrol_paypal ++ Success ++ -->enrol_self ++ Success ++ -->message_airnotifier ++ Success ++ -->message_email ++ Success ++ -->message_popup ++ Success ++ -->block_accessreview ++ Success ++ -->block_activity_modules ++ Success ++ -->block_activity_results ++ Success ++ -->block_admin_bookmarks ++ Success ++ -->block_badges ++ Success ++ -->block_blog_menu ++ Success ++ -->block_blog_recent ++ Success ++ -->block_blog_tags ++ Success ++ -->block_calendar_month ++ Success ++ -->block_calendar_upcoming ++ Success ++ -->block_comments ++ Success ++ -->block_completionstatus ++ Success ++ -->block_course_list ++ Success ++ -->block_course_summary ++ Success ++ -->block_feedback ++ Success ++ -->block_globalsearch ++ Success ++ -->block_glossary_random ++ Success ++ -->block_html ++ Success ++ -->block_login ++ Success ++ -->block_lp ++ Success ++ -->block_mentees ++ Success ++ -->block_mnet_hosts ++ Success ++ -->block_myoverview ++ Success ++ -->block_myprofile ++ Success ++ -->block_navigation ++ Success ++ -->block_news_items ++ Success ++ -->block_online_users ++ Success ++ -->block_private_files ++ Success ++ -->block_recent_activity ++ Success ++ -->block_recentlyaccessedcourses ++ Success ++ -->block_recentlyaccesseditems ++ Success ++ -->block_rss_client ++ Success ++ -->block_search_forums ++ Success ++ -->block_section_links ++ Success ++ -->block_selfcompletion ++ Success ++ -->block_settings ++ Success ++ -->block_site_main_menu ++ Success ++ -->block_social_activities ++ Success ++ -->block_starredcourses ++ Success ++ -->block_tag_flickr ++ Success ++ -->block_tag_youtube ++ Success ++ -->block_tags ++ Success ++ -->block_timeline ++ Success ++ -->media_html5audio ++ Success ++ -->media_html5video ++ Success ++ -->media_videojs ++ Success ++ -->media_vimeo ++ Success ++ -->media_youtube ++ Success ++ -->filter_activitynames ++ Success ++ -->filter_algebra ++ Success ++ -->filter_data ++ Success ++ -->filter_displayh5p ++ Success ++ -->filter_emailprotect ++ Success ++ -->filter_emoticon ++ Success ++ -->filter_glossary ++ Success ++ -->filter_mathjaxloader ++ Success ++ -->filter_mediaplugin ++ Success ++ -->filter_multilang ++ Success ++ -->filter_tex ++ Success ++ -->filter_tidy ++ Success ++ -->filter_urltolink ++ Success ++ -->editor_atto ++ Success ++ -->editor_textarea ++ Success ++ -->editor_tinymce ++ Success ++ -->format_singleactivity ++ Success ++ -->format_social ++ Success ++ -->format_topics ++ Success ++ -->format_weeks ++ Success ++ -->dataformat_csv ++ Success ++ -->dataformat_excel ++ Success ++ -->dataformat_html ++ Success ++ -->dataformat_json ++ Success ++ -->dataformat_ods ++ Success ++ -->dataformat_pdf ++ Success ++ -->profilefield_checkbox ++ Success ++ -->profilefield_datetime ++ Success ++ -->profilefield_menu ++ Success ++ -->profilefield_social ++ Success ++ -->profilefield_text ++ Success ++ -->profilefield_textarea ++ Success ++ -->report_backups ++ Success ++ -->report_competency ++ Success ++ -->report_completion ++ Success ++ -->report_configlog ++ Success ++ -->report_courseoverview ++ Success ++ -->report_eventlist ++ Success ++ -->report_infectedfiles ++ Success ++ -->report_insights ++ Success ++ -->report_log ++ Success ++ -->report_loglive ++ Success ++ -->report_outline ++ Success ++ -->report_participation ++ Success ++ -->report_performance ++ Success ++ -->report_progress ++ Success ++ -->report_questioninstances ++ Success ++ -->report_security ++ Success ++ -->report_stats ++ Success ++ -->report_status ++ Success ++ -->report_usersessions ++ Success ++ -->gradeexport_ods ++ Success ++ -->gradeexport_txt ++ Success ++ -->gradeexport_xls ++ Success ++ -->gradeexport_xml ++ Success ++ -->gradeimport_csv ++ Success ++ -->gradeimport_direct ++ Success ++ -->gradeimport_xml ++ Success ++ -->gradereport_grader ++ Success ++ -->gradereport_history ++ Success ++ -->gradereport_outcomes ++ Success ++ -->gradereport_overview ++ Success ++ -->gradereport_singleview ++ Success ++ -->gradereport_user ++ Success ++ -->gradingform_guide ++ Success ++ -->gradingform_rubric ++ Success ++ -->mlbackend_php ++ Success ++ -->mlbackend_python ++ Success ++ -->mnetservice_enrol ++ Success ++ -->webservice_rest ++ Success ++ -->webservice_soap ++ Success ++ -->webservice_xmlrpc ++ Success ++ -->repository_areafiles ++ Success ++ -->repository_contentbank ++ Success ++ -->repository_coursefiles ++ Success ++ -->repository_dropbox ++ Success ++ -->repository_equella ++ Success ++ -->repository_filesystem ++ Success ++ -->repository_flickr ++ Success ++ -->repository_flickr_public ++ Success ++ -->repository_googledocs ++ Success ++ -->repository_local ++ Success ++ -->repository_merlot ++ Success ++ -->repository_nextcloud ++ Success ++ -->repository_onedrive ++ Success ++ -->repository_recent ++ Success ++ -->repository_s3 ++ Success ++ -->repository_upload ++ Success ++ -->repository_url ++ Success ++ -->repository_user ++ Success ++ -->repository_webdav ++ Success ++ -->repository_wikimedia ++ Success ++ -->repository_youtube ++ Success ++ -->portfolio_download ++ Success ++ -->portfolio_flickr ++ Success ++ -->portfolio_googledocs ++ Success ++ -->portfolio_mahara ++ Success ++ -->search_simpledb ++ Success ++ -->search_solr ++ Success ++ -->qbank_comment ++ Success ++ -->qbank_deletequestion ++ Success ++ -->qbank_editquestion ++ Success ++ -->qbank_exportquestions ++ Success ++ -->qbank_exporttoxml ++ Success ++ -->qbank_importquestions ++ Success ++ -->qbank_managecategories ++ Success ++ -->qbank_previewquestion ++ Success ++ -->qbank_tagquestion ++ Success ++ -->qbank_viewcreator ++ Success ++ -->qbank_viewquestionname ++ Success ++ -->qbank_viewquestiontext ++ Success ++ -->qbank_viewquestiontype ++ Success ++ -->qbehaviour_adaptive ++ Success ++ -->qbehaviour_adaptivenopenalty ++ Success ++ -->qbehaviour_deferredcbm ++ Success ++ -->qbehaviour_deferredfeedback ++ Success ++ -->qbehaviour_immediatecbm ++ Success ++ -->qbehaviour_immediatefeedback ++ Success ++ -->qbehaviour_informationitem ++ Success ++ -->qbehaviour_interactive ++ Success ++ -->qbehaviour_interactivecountback ++ Success ++ -->qbehaviour_manualgraded ++ Success ++ -->qbehaviour_missing ++ Success ++ -->qformat_aiken ++ Success ++ -->qformat_blackboard_six ++ Success ++ -->qformat_gift ++ Success ++ -->qformat_missingword ++ Success ++ -->qformat_multianswer ++ Success ++ -->qformat_xhtml ++ Success ++ -->qformat_xml ++ Success ++ -->tool_analytics ++ Success ++ -->tool_availabilityconditions ++ Success ++ -->tool_behat ++ Success ++ -->tool_brickfield ++ Success ++ -->tool_capability ++ Success ++ -->tool_cohortroles ++ Success ++ -->tool_componentlibrary ++ Success ++ -->tool_customlang ++ Success ++ -->tool_dataprivacy ++ Success ++ -->tool_dbtransfer ++ Success ++ -->tool_filetypes ++ Success ++ -->tool_generator ++ Success ++ -->tool_httpsreplace ++ Success ++ -->tool_innodb ++ Success ++ -->tool_installaddon ++ Success ++ -->tool_langimport ++ Success ++ -->tool_licensemanager ++ Success ++ -->tool_log ++ Success ++ -->tool_lp ++ Success ++ -->tool_lpimportcsv ++ Success ++ -->tool_lpmigrate ++ Success ++ -->tool_messageinbound ++ Success ++ -->tool_mobile ++ Success ++ -->tool_monitor ++ Success ++ -->tool_moodlenet ++ Success ++ -->tool_multilangupgrade ++ Success ++ -->tool_oauth2 ++ Success ++ -->tool_phpunit ++ Success ++ -->tool_policy ++ Success ++ -->tool_profiling ++ Success ++ -->tool_recyclebin ++ Success ++ -->tool_replace ++ Success ++ -->tool_spamcleaner ++ Success ++ -->tool_task ++ Success ++ -->tool_templatelibrary ++ Success ++ -->tool_unsuproles ++ Success ++ -->tool_uploadcourse ++ Success ++ -->tool_uploaduser ++ Success ++ -->tool_usertours ++ Success ++ -->tool_xmldb ++ Success ++ -->cachestore_apcu ++ Success ++ -->cachestore_file ++ Success ++ -->cachestore_memcached ++ Success ++ -->cachestore_mongodb ++ Success ++ -->cachestore_redis ++ Success ++ -->cachestore_session ++ Success ++ -->cachestore_static ++ Success ++ -->cachelock_file ++ Success ++ -->fileconverter_googledrive ++ Success ++ -->fileconverter_unoconv ++ Success ++ -->contenttype_h5p ++ Success ++ -->theme_boost ++ Success ++ -->theme_classic ++ Success ++ -->h5plib_v124 ++ Success ++ -->paygw_paypal ++ Success ++ -->assignsubmission_comments ++ Success ++ -->assignsubmission_file ++ Success ++ -->assignsubmission_onlinetext ++ Success ++ -->assignfeedback_comments ++ Success ++ -->assignfeedback_editpdf ++ Success ++ -->assignfeedback_file ++ Success ++ -->assignfeedback_offline ++ Success ++ -->assignment_offline ++ Success ++ -->assignment_online ++ Success ++ -->assignment_upload ++ Success ++ -->assignment_uploadsingle ++ Success ++ -->booktool_exportimscp ++ Success ++ -->booktool_importhtml ++ Success ++ -->booktool_print ++ Success ++ -->datafield_checkbox ++ Success ++ -->datafield_date ++ Success ++ -->datafield_file ++ Success ++ -->datafield_latlong ++ Success ++ -->datafield_menu ++ Success ++ -->datafield_multimenu ++ Success ++ -->datafield_number ++ Success ++ -->datafield_picture ++ Success ++ -->datafield_radiobutton ++ Success ++ -->datafield_text ++ Success ++ -->datafield_textarea ++ Success ++ -->datafield_url ++ Success ++ -->datapreset_imagegallery ++ Success ++ -->forumreport_summary ++ Success ++ -->ltiservice_basicoutcomes ++ Success ++ -->ltiservice_gradebookservices ++ Success ++ -->ltiservice_memberships ++ Success ++ -->ltiservice_profile ++ Success ++ -->ltiservice_toolproxy ++ Success ++ -->ltiservice_toolsettings ++ Success ++ -->quiz_grading ++ Success ++ -->quiz_overview ++ Success ++ -->quiz_responses ++ Success ++ -->quiz_statistics ++ Success ++ -->quizaccess_delaybetweenattempts ++ Success ++ -->quizaccess_ipaddress ++ Success ++ -->quizaccess_numattempts ++ Success ++ -->quizaccess_offlineattempts ++ Success ++ -->quizaccess_openclosedate ++ Success ++ -->quizaccess_password ++ Success ++ -->quizaccess_seb ++ Success ++ -->quizaccess_securewindow ++ Success ++ -->quizaccess_timelimit ++ Success ++ -->scormreport_basic ++ Success ++ -->scormreport_graphs ++ Success ++ -->scormreport_interactions ++ Success ++ -->scormreport_objectives ++ Success ++ -->workshopform_accumulative ++ Success ++ -->workshopform_comments ++ Success ++ -->workshopform_numerrors ++ Success ++ -->workshopform_rubric ++ Success ++ -->workshopallocation_manual ++ Success ++ -->workshopallocation_random ++ Success ++ -->workshopallocation_scheduled ++ Success ++ -->workshopeval_best ++ Success ++ -->atto_accessibilitychecker ++ Success ++ -->atto_accessibilityhelper ++ Success ++ -->atto_align ++ Success ++ -->atto_backcolor ++ Success ++ -->atto_bold ++ Success ++ -->atto_charmap ++ Success ++ -->atto_clear ++ Success ++ -->atto_collapse ++ Success ++ -->atto_emojipicker ++ Success ++ -->atto_emoticon ++ Success ++ -->atto_equation ++ Success ++ -->atto_fontcolor ++ Success ++ -->atto_h5p ++ Success ++ -->atto_html ++ Success ++ -->atto_image ++ Success ++ -->atto_indent ++ Success ++ -->atto_italic ++ Success ++ -->atto_link ++ Success ++ -->atto_managefiles ++ Success ++ -->atto_media ++ Success ++ -->atto_noautolink ++ Success ++ -->atto_orderedlist ++ Success ++ -->atto_recordrtc ++ Success ++ -->atto_rtl ++ Success ++ -->atto_strike ++ Success ++ -->atto_subscript ++ Success ++ -->atto_superscript ++ Success ++ -->atto_table ++ Success ++ -->atto_title ++ Success ++ -->atto_underline ++ Success ++ -->atto_undo ++ Success ++ -->atto_unorderedlist ++ Success ++ -->tinymce_ctrlhelp ++ Success ++ -->tinymce_managefiles ++ Success ++ -->tinymce_moodleemoticon ++ Success ++ -->tinymce_moodleimage ++ Success ++ -->tinymce_moodlemedia ++ Success ++ -->tinymce_moodlenolink ++ Success ++ -->tinymce_pdw ++ Success ++ -->tinymce_spellchecker ++ Success ++ -->tinymce_wrap ++ Success ++ -->logstore_database ++ Success ++ -->logstore_legacy ++ Success ++ -->logstore_standard ++ Success ++ Installation completed successfully. ```

I was able to successfully log into the instance via http://vm-docker01:8000 and then trashed everything by issueing:

bin/moodle-docker-compose down -v

HTH, Matteo

stronk7 commented 2 years ago

I've just run the install_database.php here without any problem, only note is that the -->System step can take quite long (in my mac laptop, that is powerful, but specially slow for docker, it took ~5 minutes), there are a few hundred tables to be created. But once that step is done, the rest of plugins are installed visibly quickly (each one has only a few tables, compared with System).

You can watch what your containers are doing using docker stats while the installation is happening, it's easy to see if they are idle or doing something.

But, as far as it's working, I'm going to close this issue now. Thanks for reporting!