moodlehq / moodle-local_codechecker

A Moodle local plugin providing a simple web UI to run the MoodleCS coding style checks with PHP_CodeSniffer.
63 stars 72 forks source link

HEADs UP: This repo has moved from "master" to "main" #225

Open stronk7 opened 9 months ago

stronk7 commented 9 months ago

Hi all,

today (24th Nov 2023), we have proceeded to rename the "master" branch of this repository to "main".

You can find more details about the migration @

For some guidance about how to proceed with your clones you can follow the information that GitHub provides in the home page of the repo and, also, take a look to this (still draft!) document: (you're welcome to help amending it with your experiences, feel free to comment there)

Once ready, the document will be moved to

Sorry for the trouble and ciao :-)

PS: This issue will be closed in a few weeks.