moodleou / moodle-mod_ouwiki

Alternative wiki module for Moodle 2 (designed for use in teaching and learning)
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Annotating (but not editing) in one- wiki-per-user #6

Closed lancsSteve closed 10 years ago

lancsSteve commented 12 years ago

This was raised on the OU wiki forum thread at

We have set up one-wiki-per-user and were hoping students would be able to both read and annotate (but not edit) each others wikis. The annotate feature is a really powerful tool for peer review and is different (and well implemented as it is) from editing. It would be very useful to have 'allow annotations of others wikis' as an option in one-wiki-per-user rather than having annotate as an 'add on' to editing this would make it an independent feature.

Steve Wright

sammarshallou commented 12 years ago

I agree that this option would be useful. It could apply to 'visible groups' wikis as well as the individual ones. A yes/no option in settings could handle both cases.

To be specific, this relates to if a user generally has permissions to annotate within that wiki, but is currently looking at a wiki which is (a) for a different group and they don't have accessallgroups, or (b) for a different individual and they don't have the equivalent permission to access all individual wikis. At present they are not allowed to annotate the wiki (same as they can't edit it). The proposal is that in these situations, if this option is turned on, they would be allowed to annotate the wiki.

NOTE: A workaround is to use the permissions feature to give students accessallgroups on the wiki in question, but unfortunately this also means they can edit the wiki for other groups/individuals, not just annotate it.

I'll pass this feature request on to the project manager here as it's possible she there may already have been requests for this, but unfortunately even if that's the case, I don't anticipate being able to develop it soon.

sammarshallou commented 12 years ago

(sorry for multiple comments, now deleted; GitHub bug meant they didn't show up until I reloaded.)

jason-platts commented 10 years ago

I think this should now be resolved in the latest release with the addition of editothers and annotateothers capabilities.