moodymudskipper / flow

View and Browse Code Using Flow Diagrams
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Integrate chosen flow diagram to help page #137

Closed moodymudskipper closed 1 year ago

moodymudskipper commented 1 year ago

The use case I have in mind is to use flow_view_deps() for internal documentation purposes but let's aim for more flexibility.

We can insert a flow diagram using this template in the roxygen2 doc :

#' \if{html}{\figure{`r basename(flow::flow_view_deps(some_function, out = "man/figures/foo.png"))`}{options: width="40\%" alt="my alt text"}}

Though, as all images I think, it won't show it with devtools, we need to actually install, restarts, call library then view the file.

This is a bit long though, maybe we can provide a tool to make it simpler ?

moodymudskipper commented 1 year ago

This seems to work quite well, a bit hacky but whatever:

flow_embed <- function(call, name, width = 1, alt = name) {
  name <- paste0(name, ".png")
  path <- file.path("man/figures", name)
  if (!file.exists(path)) {
    call$out <- path
  call <- substitute(call)
    '\\if{html}{\\figure{%s}{options: width="%s\\%%" alt="%s"}}',

Then in the doc we only need (for instance):

#' `r flow::flow_embed(flow::flow_view_deps(my_function), name = "my_figure", width = .7, alt = "my alt text)`

Doc should explain :

moodymudskipper commented 1 year ago

Actually a custom oxygen tag might be better. The user will need an "'@importFrom flow ..." for oxygen methods and then ww'd insert the chart using a syntax like :

#' @flow_view_deps my_function alt="my alt text" width=.7

rn I think it's better to have a different tag for every relevant function, but having "#' @flow view_deps or something similar is possible too. I am not sure if RStudio's autocomplete for tags picks on custom tags but anyway it doesn't provide a description.

No need to worry about figure names, nor how to remove the clutter. Except I need to understand how to remove it through roxygen.

Either oxygen provides a way to make a last pass and remove stuff after the doc is made (I don't think it does), or we need for every tag to :

I've never seen named parameters in roygen tags but this seems acceptable, we'd provide decent defaults so they're rarely needed anyway. Or we still provide flow_embed() for cases that require customisation. Or we give parameters positionally starting with width, and NA means keep default.

Where do we document this ? If we keep flow_embed we can keep it there, but it it's obsolete we might only document it in a vignette since we'll have no related exported function.

moodymudskipper commented 1 year ago

Let's go with

#' @flow flow_fun(...) {options: width="40\%" alt="my alt text"}
moodymudskipper commented 1 year ago

Used flow_embed() in the end in flow 0.2