moodymudskipper / flow

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`next` and `break` #20

Open moodymudskipper opened 4 years ago

moodymudskipper commented 4 years ago

These are considered regular instructions.

I think supporting them completely might make the charts too complicated (we might have many next statements!), but ignoring them completely is not completely satisfying either.

Something like this might work.

next] - [b]

[c] -> [<receiver>break]


They can be brighter blue for next and brighter yellow for break, as we already use bright red and green, and light versions of all these colors.

moodymudskipper commented 4 years ago

edges would be easy to add though (I think), could be made optional.

moodymudskipper commented 4 years ago


moodymudskipper commented 3 years ago

I really don't like how these look, and the current flow_run doesn't like them.

I think the statement "supporting them completely might make the charts too complicated (we might have many next statements!)" is not a good argument. The chart will be fine with 2 or 3 next statements, and these edges should be drawn. Basically it just extends a branch from "if" to the end node,.

Step 1 : disable current support of break and next Step 2 : implement new behavior AND make sure to make flow_run compatible

break and next that make sense should always be at the end of a yes or no branch of if, but maybe we should look at edge cases who don't make sense.

moodymudskipper commented 3 years ago

Recall() is also a special call, I wonder if it should have an edge to go back on top. I'm afraid that it could get messy if there are many calls to Recall(), but I suppose it's quite rare to have more than 1 and extremely rare to have more than 2.

Actually it's quite rare to have even 1!

find_functions <- function(
  packages = c("base", "methods", "utils", "grDevices", "graphics", "stats")) {
  find_functions0 <- function(funs, env) {
    if(!length(funs)) return(character(0))
    res <- sapply(funs,
      function(x) {
        f <- get(x, env)
        if(!is.function(f)) return(FALSE)
        nm %in% all.names(body(f))
    # print(res)
    # browser()
  funs <- list()
  for (pkg in packages) {
    funs[[pkg]] <- list()
    env <- asNamespace(pkg)
    exp_candidates <- getNamespaceExports(pkg)
    res <- find_functions0(exp_candidates, env)
      funs[[pkg]][["exported"]] <- paste0(pkg, "::", res)
    unexp_candidates <- setdiff(ls(env), exp_candidates)
    # message(print(length(unexp_candidates)))
    # print(length(unexp_candidates))
    res <- find_functions0(unexp_candidates, env)
    funs[[pkg]][["unexported"]] <- 
      paste0(pkg, ":::", res)

#> $base
#> $base$exported
#> [1] "base::Recall"
#> $methods
#> $methods$exported
#>  [1] "methods::makeMethodsList"       "methods::showMethods"          
#>  [3] "methods::MethodAddCoerce"       "methods::setOldClass"          
#>  [5] "methods::linearizeMlist"        "methods::listFromMlist"        
#>  [7] "methods::balanceMethodsList"    "methods::.TraceWithMethods"    
#>  [9] "methods::insertMethod"          "methods::validObject"          
#> [11] "methods::cacheGenericsMetaData" "methods::superClassDepth"      
#> [13] "methods::MethodsListSelect"     "methods::getGroup"             
#> [15] "methods::getGroupMembers"      
#> $methods$unexported
#> [1] "methods:::insertMethodInEmptyList"
#> $utils
#> list()
#> $grDevices
#> list()
#> $graphics
#> $graphics$unexported
#> [1] "graphics:::mosaicplot.default"
#> $stats
#> $stats$exported
#> [1] "stats::embed"  "stats::kernel"
#> $stats$unexported
#> [1] "stats:::cophenetic.dendrogram"     ""
#> [3] "stats:::window.default"

Created on 2020-08-28 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)